Once again, I’m committing to Blogtober, but whether I’ll make it happen or not is another thing. One day I’ll manage all the days without having to catch up at weekends or something like that. For now, Happy Blogtober.
Back in the UK, my weeks look pretty much the same, church on a Sunday, knitting group on a Monday and Tuesday (depending on where in the month we are) and set work things on Wednesday. Some of those things have carried over with our move but some haven’t so this week my week was very empty (including two days of looking after Rex who wasn’t very well – poor poppet!).
Chris decided that I needed to find something for me to do (either with Rex or without the boys). I signed up to various FB groups but their events are either towards the end of October or are just online rather than in-person groups. We then headed over to Meetup to see what could be found there. Chris found a group called Shut Up and Write. I’ve been trying to get back into properly writing my blog for a while but something always gets in the way.
That wasn’t until this afternoon so we started the day by popping to the supermarket for Jaxon to get a cycle helmet. He’s been using mine while I was still in the UK but now we’re all here and I need it, it was time to get him his own one. He got the same design as mine just a different colour (apparently he did want the pink one at first as he likes mine so much but then Chris found the navy blue one so he changed his mind lol). They also got some cinnamon swirls as a second breakfast (Both Jaxon and I had had breakfast at home before we’d gone out but were both hungry again lol).
We then headed to our next stop which was to visit the Statens Naturhistoriske Museum (Natural History Museum of Denmark). Once we arrived we sat outside and ate our Cinnamon Swirls before heading inside. There were lots to see but Jaxon wasn’t all that excited about it so we went through some of it really quickly! It was great to see Tristan Otto. Tristan is the skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus Rex – he’s gigantic! (If you’ve seen Dippy at the National History Museum in London, Tristan is about half as long as Dippy – but still very impressive). At one point, I tried to make Jaxon laugh by holding my elbows in at my sides and trying to hug him like a T-Rex, he didn’t find it so funny but Chris found it funny.
We went to grab a drink from the café at the museum but decided it was close enough to lunch that we’d take a walk through the Botanical Gardens to the other side where there are more choices for lunch. We ended up having burgers at Jagger right near the Round Tower. I went for the Fried Chicken Burger with fries. It was very yummy. I had got a lot of sauce on it though so got in a bit of a mess! Thankfully we had baby wipes with us!
Following lunch, we first went to Søstrene Grene so I could have a look at the yarn. I’m a little behind but hoping to join in with the WestKnits MKAL that started this week. Søstrene Grene had some basic DK yarn and some chunkier stuff but I was in need of Fingering/4-Ply weight. I think I will be off to Nicoline Garn or Sommerfuglen on Monday in the hope they have something that will work without it being too expensive. (Also if it could come in balls rather than skeins that would be handy as my winder is at home…) After the boys were patient with me, we headed to a little playground near by so that Jaxon could have a runaround. It also had a smaller swing for babies/toddlers, so Rex had a go on there and had a great time.
The boys went with me to Nørreport Station where I could park the bike. Then I walked to Bastard Cafe where the writing group were meeting. (Yes that is it’s name…). The boys then headed home and Chris put Rex down for a nap once they arrive back at the apartment. Once I found the cafe, it took a while to get served. the chap in front of me seemed to take ages to get his order sorted. I grabbed a drink and found the group. They were lovely and welcoming and made space for me to sit at the table. It was rather cosy already as there were then 9 of us squished around a table that was made for 6!
I’d arrived just in time for the focus hour of writing so having said hello, we set about writing whatever we were working on. O and SD who were sat to my right-hand side were both working on their current masterpieces. The guy to my left was working on something that had lots of planning or a complex spreadsheet as part of his project. The hour seemed to fly by as I typed away on my laptop about what we’d been up to. The Cafe is a board game cafe and was really busy with lots of people playing board games. (It’s a lot like Ready Steady Roll in that respect)
I spotted this painting on the wall and had to send a picture to my brother as he’s a massive Doctor Who fan. Once we had finished our hour, it was great to stay and chat to everyone. We talked about James Bond (and who should the new Bond be…), then we got talking about where we were from and languages that we spoke followed by a detour into Eurovision. SD was talking about her upcoming adventure to see Måneskin in concert and we then fell into a Eurovision shaped hole. (I will have to introduce them to the Think About Eurovision podcast). I talked about trying to get tickets for Dadi Freyr in Copenhagen but apparently, they sold out almost as soon as they went on sale!
I then had an adventure cycling home again. Chris had taken the cargo bike with the boys in it and I’d been left with Chris’s bike. We tried to get the saddle down but couldn’t so our Plan B was for me to take Chris’s bike on the Metro and then walk/cycle it from our nearest stop. I figured I’d give it a go and in the end cycled all the way home. When I pulled up outside, Jaxon was practically hanging out the lounge window (We’re on the ground floor don’t worry!) with Chris hanging onto him! (Rex was in his high chair eating his tea – or some of it at least. It was a bit challenging as Chris has his saddle so much higher than I do and so I’m sure my legs might ache in the morning! The boys had already had tea by the time I got home so while Chris did bedtime with Rex, Jaxon and I watched cartoons and I ate. Then I sat catching up on the Danish version of The Great British Bake Off (here it’s called Den Store Bagedyst (The Great Baking Show). Not sure who my favourite is yet – they are still on Week 2. It’s their 10th season so there’s lots of clips from previous seasons.
You can read all of my Blogtober posts from this year here. You can also read about our previous trips to Copenhagen here, here and here.

OMG I love the name of that café! That’s a place that I’d love to go to! x
Lucy | http://www.lucymary.co.uk
It was an absolute pleasure to meet you! Hope you are able to come to another one soon.
It was so lovely to meet you too! I’m hoping to come to the one in a couple of weekends time. Husband has been booked for childcare duty as he’s pleased I’m out and making friends lol
I love a second breakfast haha. Best meal of the day! Yum!
Corinne x
Second breakfast is a very important meal of the day! Especially as cereal or toast at the moment doesn’t seem to be all that filling – I’m wondering whether I need to be getting something more like porridge or something on my toast like scrambled eggs. What’s your chosen breakfast/second breakfast?
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