As parents to young children we are often told how routine and structure is important. But sometimes life doesn’t go to plan and we have to be flexible.
We have a structure for mornings between waking up and going out to the groups we do each day. Then around lunch, we have a routine too that works for us most days.
Although they are both important routines to have, the routine we have found to be most important was around bedtime.
Prior to Chris changing his hours, time would be limited where Jaxon would see Chris. This meant that a routine for bedtime was really important. Even Chris now getting in from work earlier, we have tried to keep the same routine for bath time. Our bedtime routing starts with a bath. Although there is usually some crazy time with Daddy first. This is usually chasing one another around or Daddy blowing raspberries on Jaxon’s tummy. (And his stubble sometimes tickling too!). Sitting downstairs working and being able to hear their conversation or Jaxon giggling really loud makes me so happy! I am so blessed to have Chris who is a great Dad to Jaxon. He’s also a great foster carer to Our Sidekick even if we both fail at being “cool”.
Following the “Crazy 5 Minutes”, Jaxon has his nappy taken off and then we’d all end up in the bathroom. We get the bath running around the right temperature and then Jaxon gets in. We love the Bedtime Baby Bath and Shampoo as the Lavender helps to calm us all down!
While Jaxon is in the bath, Chris and I will recap over the day. Sometimes this includes discussing what the plan once Jaxon is in bed (sometimes if not always includes what’s for dinner and who’s making it!), we then either splash about with Jaxon in the bath or let him show us the things in the bath. I think we generally take his lead to see what he wants to do in the bath that particular day.
Once he’s had some time to play, it’s then time to clean his teeth. We used to try once he was out of the bath but we found that in the bath is better. It means he doesn’t try to escape!
Following that, it’s then time to wash his hair, now that we’ve been doing this same routine pretty much every night, it’s definitely got that bit easier because we all know what’s coming routine wise. He will often get the sponge and try to squeeze the water over his head to get his hair damp ready to wash or his new(ish) trick is to lie down in the bath – he only does this with assistance and has his own sign to explain what he wants to do (of course as I write this I can’t remember what it is at all!!).
We then make sure his hair is dampened enough and then time for the shampoo. Currently we have two bottles on the go so Jaxon picks between the Purple (Bedtime Baby Shampoo) and Green (No More Tangles Baby Shampoo). It tends to be the Purple but I think the Green is getting used by the “adults” in the house too.
In the last few months he will often put his hand out to have a little bit of shampoo squeezed into his hand so he can try to wash his hair himself. After a few rubs we take over but he enjoys giving it a go.
Once the lathering has finished Jaxon with then either lie down to rinse out the bubbles or will use the sponge again. It often depends on what mood he’s in!
Once bath time is over we then work to calm him down ready for bed. Once his nappy and pyjamas are in place its story time. Jaxon has a bookcase just at his level so he will often pick a couple of books to take into bed with him but we will read just one to him. In the summer he was then able to flick through the other books while he settled in for bed. Now it’s darker earlier, he’s got a small amount of light from a set of fairy lights which means he can still flick through some of the board books. I will often sit downstairs and listen to him talk to himself.
Over on the Johnson’s Baby website there is this three step routine to help with bedtime including a bit of baby massage. We did attempt some baby massage when Jaxon was less mobile but now he’s too much of a wriggle to try it.
You can find out more information about the Johnsons range here as well as other tips and suggestions about bath time and bed time.
In exchange for this sponsored post, I was sent a 300ml bottle of Johnson’s Bedtime Baby Bath and a 500ml bottle of Bedtime Baby Shampoo. Perfect for bath time for little humans and big grown up humans!