I started this post when we we’re away. It was too gloomy in our tent to crochet, read or journal so I used my phone to get some thoughts down. We’ve back a month not and I’ve finally finished it!
At about 3.20am, I had to make a mad toilet dash, why is it you need to go at the most inconvenient times of the night. It actually felt warmer at 3.20am than it did feel at 10pm. I checked my phone when I got back into the tent and it was 11 degrees according to the phone although it had been 13 at 10pm so how did that work> Unless it was because I’d been sat still at 10pm for a while whereas I’d made a dash for the toilet and then noticed how warm it felt.
In the morning service while Chris took Jaxon to The Snug. The service was all about Catalyst Network reaching the nations. Our Sidekick and Chris are looking forward to the Malawi trip so it would have been good for them to have heard the guy speaking about church planting in Malawi. He joked that if someone was travelling more than a specific time to get to church then another church was needed closer to their home – so he would just keep planting as God calls him to.
While waiting for lunch to be ready, I settled down with my journalling bits and got some more journalling done. You can’t see in the picture but the colour of the water in my paper cup was the most amazing shade of blue it was great!
Lunch was really spicy and I had to have a huge dollop of yoghurt in it to make it managable! Jaxon really couldn’t eat it so ended up with a Mug Shot that we’d brought with us as a standby – he was happy to see that bowl of pasta that’s for sure!
Chris was on Jaxon duty and I went to a creative workshop in the afternoon. I got there for 2pm only to be told it wasn’t starting until 2:30pm so went for a wander then to the loo – when I came out of the loo it turned out it had already started at 2pm! I stayed until 3 but for a creative workshop there was very little creative-ness going on – it was more talking than being creative which was a real shame. I made an excuse about having to leave and then went back to the tent – I could spend my tim ethere journalling or crocheting rather than sitting there listening to the guy leading the workshop talk about being creative. Maybe I had misunderstood the concept of the session.
Dinner was a variation on Carbonara and oh my goodness it was good! Carbonara is one of those ones that I love to eat so kind of made up for lunch in a way! After dinner we took Jaxon to the main evening meeting we figured if he stayed for the first bit of the service he might be more tired and would in turn sleep better. I’m not sure if the bunting and balloons had been up during the other services but I spotted them in the evening.
During the evening meeting, worship was led by Sam and Becki Cox. Alan Scott from Coleraine spoke about healing on the streets and how God filled it’s been. He spoke about Josh Martin – who had got healed at Coleraine. I’d heard about the healing on the streets without even realising it as we used to listen to Juls Martin (Josh’s uncle) on the radio and he talked about it.
On the way back from the toilet before bed I snapped a picture of what our nbit looked like at night. Our food tent was so bright and visible! I sent the picture to my friend who thought it was really cool. There was an office block opposite our marquee and it was lit up with flood nights most evenings and through the night.