NaBloPoMo: November 12

This Weekend I… got to go to the fireworks display over at Kimbolton School. Originally my friend from work was coming with the boys and I but unfortunately she was poorly so couldn’t come (boo!!) I did get a bit camera...

NaBloPoMo: November 11

Yesterday at the remembrance service in the village where my parents go to church my dad was honoured to lay a wreath at the war memorial. Growing up my Dad would encourage/make us watch war films and go to museums...

NaBloPoMo: November 7

It’s November which means it’s that time of year again. Here’s NaBloPoMo again.  This appeared on my Facebook Timeline – must be watched with tissues!! I imagine that if Ruby and I ever met we’d be like this!

NaBloPoMo: November 4

Who is your favourite character of all time? Like a lot of girls my age – I grew up on Disney films. My brother and I would often get a video at Christmas or for our birthday’s. I think my...

NaBloPoMo: November 1

If you found one million dollars pounds in the morning and had to spend it by nightfall, what would you do with the money? Now that would be really tough – if I found it tomorrow morning, I have work...