Back at the end of May, I received a lovely copy of My Crochet Project Bible from Stationery Geek. I had seen it on one of the groups that I am part of and decided that I would take a look. I was sent a copy of My Crochet Project Bible for a blog post and review.
I’m the worst for starting multiple projects at one. As I write this post I have at least four projects on the go even though I told myself at the beginning of the year I wouldn’t start new projects until I cleared the backlog!
I hope to post a picture of my well loved copied in a few weeks or a few months so that it can be seen how it works.
I posted an unboxing video to my YouTube channel to start the ball rolling – I got a bit excited and Jaxon was trying to assist me!
Every scribble is in the same place – rather than on scraps of paper or post its tucked into my planner.
Conversion charts between US and UK terms – this is a life saver! I tend to be a bit picky about my patterns and even if I really love a pattern if it’s in US terms it puts me off. With the chart there in the first few pages it’s easier to translate the pattern and and get started.
The grid seems to be a 3mm or 4mm grid rather than a 5mm like standard grid paper – if I could change it I would make this 5mm because it might be easier to plan out projects that way. You then know that one square on your plan should be 5cm for example on your actual pattern maybe?
Filmsy cover – a harder cover might work better when you’re trying to juggle crochet and the book but it works fine with the cardboard cover that it has.
You can purchase your own here, they also do other planning goodies. You can follow Stationery Geek on Facebook here and Twitter here. They are also on Instagram here.
Works in Progress
Temperature Blanket
Having spent a large chuck of time at Catalyst catching up (And then writing this post) I have actually started to fall behind again with this one due to getting caught up in other projects. Not good but it’s a year long project so will hopefully be able to work some more in it before the end of June.
Elmer Blanket
This one is for The 100 Days Project, I started this with my friend Jo and at the time it seemed like a great idea but we’re heading towards day 60 and funnily enough I’m behind on it! I am around day 25 I think so a lot to catch up on!
Secret Project
This one is a secret one, I’m not sure if the receiver will read this post but just in case they should stumble across it I will be vague. So I started making lots of the shape that I am doing to piece together into the final project. Each shape has multiple stages so I am trying to figure out whether it’s better to make a lots at stage one then move onto stage two or just make them one at a time. This means that I have a selection of half completed shapes. I think I need to focus on one version of the plan and then see how that works.