I love these Currently prompts. They are used for Project Life and other scrapbooking projects but I think they work well for summarising my week.
The image above and the Currently prompts from RUKristin.
In the last few weeks, I’ve started and finished watching Chuck – once again the Netflix binge-watch strikes again. After finishing Chuck, I went back to Orphan Black. I finished watching it while taking part in RUKristin‘s Scrapbook Sleepover. I want to start Gilmore Girls but I haven’t found it on Netflix or NowTV.
Having taken Jaxon to the library about two weeks ago I made another trip to the library while we were in town last week to get some of the books renewed and others returned. Jaxon wanted to spend more time there and play with all the books but it was lunchtime and he was just going to get more stroppy if I didn’t take him home for lunch so I picked a bunch of books that looked interesting.
Usually been listening to my Spotify playlist again – I keep adding songs but haven’t figured out how to delete certain ones that I just keep skipping rather than actually listening to them.
My lovely friend got some fabulous news recently so I’ve been working on a special project. This has meant that everything else has been put on hold. That does meant that my temperature blanket is falling behind again. However, thankfully because of the mass catch up while at Catalyst means that I’m not as far behind as I could have been!
I bit frazzled – Jaxon has been hitting the terribles twos this last week and some days it’s been bad.
On Monday night I think he had a nightmare or something because he had a bit of a cry then got up and ran across his bedroom to the door. He then stopped in the corner near the door. It was almost like he’d ran to our room for help/comfort then froze outside the door because he thought he’d get in trouble. If he comes in, before the alarm goes off in the morning he’s encouraged back to bed. Thankfully I’d heard him get up so got up myself and found him. I gave him a massive cuddle and he snuggled into my shoulder. I sat on the end of the bed while he settled again but when I got up to leave the room he got upset again.
This last week I went a bit bananas. My TN is definitely one of my favourites and I have been using it as a diary. However, once I have a few stickers in there I can’t get enough in each day. I went off to do some research to see if I could get something that resembled Erin Condren pages but without the price tag (and ridiculous custom charges!). I found ChasingPlannerPeace‘s A5 Printable EC Compatible layouts. They could be printed out, punched and added to my A5 Filofax. and punched. I dug out a bunch of my stickers that haven’t worked in my TN and got planning. Before I knew it, I was heading towards a fuller looking week. I realised how little I did have planned across the week once it was broken into the Morning/Afternoon/Evening slots.
I think I will try and take the pictures before I put the ink in but I need to figure out how to future plan if I then “stickerate” week by week. Also maybe need to think about theming depending on the background colours – this week is blue so I have been trying to use blue or green stickers but that hasn’t always worked because I’ve been trying to use what I have rather than purchase more right now.
That we got to see Chris’s Auntie and her housemate this weekend. We last saw them earlier in the year (it could have even been Christmas but that doesn’t seem right….). It was good to catch up and I’ll be elaborating what we got up to in another post I think.
What have you been upto currently? Have you been watching or reading anything in particular?
The Currently series appears most weeks. You can find other posts in the series here.