This post was originally started using the Currently prompt from RUKristin. You can get all sorts of You can find that here. Have a good week!
Currently… Watching
After Jaxon loving The Sound of Music the other week I figured we’d try out some old musicals too and NowTV must have been on the same path because they’ve got a playlist of musicals at the moment. Some aren’t necessarily Jaxon appropriate but we did try The King and I. I’d forgotten how random it is in places.
Currently… Reading I finished Code by Kathy and Brendan Reichs this week. It was very good although one aspect of the story was bugging me although it’s possible that’s resolved in the next book which I need to add to my WishList. I still have As Always, Julia
and Saving Bletchley Park to read at some point. I’ve also started Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone (although for some reason the version I have is the American one so technically it’s Sorcerer’s Stone instead. Just have to remember to ignore the “typos” lol).
Currently…Listening I’ve been trying to listen to more worship music when I can. There’s a lot going on at the moment with regards to church and things like that. Since the beginning of December I’ve been trying to read my bible more and get more bedded down into God’s word. In the last few days I’ve thinking more about how my Social Media accounts and my blog need to be going for God just as much as I am trying to do. So right now I am listening to Ali Brown talk about her Spiritual TN Setup. She’s a lovely Christian lady living in the US and her and her hubby (nicknamed Bathtub Man!) serving God which is super cool.
Currently… Feeling
Today was horrible. This morning was great with the knitting group then I came home via town and I missed the bus so then I had to wait for the next one which was getting closer and closer to when I needed to go out again. Jaxon and I then went to a funeral, I helped out at the wake while my Dad looked after Jaxon. I got home and I was exhausted. I got Jaxon fed and then into bed and then I just flopped. I sat in front of the TV and then decided that I just had to get into bed and snuggle down. There’s a prayer meeting later this week and Chris has organised babysitting etc so that I can go. Well for a long time I’d avoid prayer meetings – sometimes not intentional and other times I just wouldn’t write them in my diary (I know how rubbish!). I’m a little nervous about going but I think it’ll be okay and I should just do it.
Currently… Planning
Oh this is driving me crazy, I just thought I was settled into the Moleskine only to then get itchy feet again so to speak. so I have no clue what I’m doing. I think I moving to my TN and staying there for now. I just need to get sorted and stop faffing about lol.