Each Monday I start with a sum up of what’s currently happening around these parts – especially when some weeks seem to fly by quicker than others!
Once Upon A Time – I caught up with the episodes that were on Netflix and now waiting for the next one on Wednesday.
Bones – Another one I was catching up on – I seem to miss it for a few weeks and then have a binge watch.
Grimm – I’ve started this from the beginning. I’m about three episodes in but don’t tend to watch while the boys are around because some bits are a bit gross!
Blue Like Jazz by Don Miller and His Image, My Image by Josh McDowell – it sort of depends on what mood I’m in to which book I read. When I was feeding Jaxon earlier I read HIMI.
Not so much wondering going on this week. I’m sure there is more some weeks than others.
A mess, well sort of in a digital kind of way, I got bored so installed a new theme, then I sort of hacked the code to pieces and tweaked it a bit so that it looked less like the default and more like something I’d use. Well hopefully it hasn’t broken it too much otherwise there could be issues down the road. When I’m not in front of the computer I’m making crochet squares at the moment.
I’ve been a bit better at being on plan and two days I’ve had heaps of fruit for lunch along with Healthy Living Fromage Frais that Chris got me. I joked that they should do adult sized tubs of Petit Filous and why didn’t they, so he bought me a tub of plain Fromage Frais. It’s not quite the same but if you load it up with fruit then it tastes okay.
Working On:
All sorts it seems, I sat down with a plan for today and then got a call from my Mum to ask if I wanted a quick job, so I got on with that as it was a sort of wait on other people kind of job so got the first bit done then went back to what I was doing. There’s a folder of bits I need to get done before Thursday along with the usual ticking over bits that I need to do. At some point this week I need to go to the Post Office and mail the prize to the giveaway winner.
The winner of the FitBit Flex Giveaway was:

I liked Once quite a lot, but it has gotten a bit over the top this season in the USA. Loving the look so well done in making the adjustments and not losing your mind! ALSO well done because I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Award! Check out your instructions here: http://www.faintnotmom.com/blog/liebster-award
Is that Season 4? It definitely seemed a bit of a “crow barring” of the story line to get in those very new fairy tale characters (if that makes sense without spoilers!) but some how did work in a way. I spent a chunk of Season 3 explaining to Our Sidekick how they all fitted together especially when it came to Peter Pan’s storyline. I will take a look at your post 🙂
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