In this day and age, you would think that swapping internet service providers would be so straight forward and yet again it isn’t. Our internet was cut off in the middle of the night, ready for our new phone line (and then internet) to be activated in the next few days. However, the router from the new company hasn’t arrived yet which means that at least for now I’ve decamped to my Mum’s house to use her internet connection (and sofa, her computer to move around files and borrow a memory stick to transfer back to my MacBook).
My Dad has put on Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers. Well, I think it’s The Two Towers – I haven’t seen it in a while, they are talking about Minas Tirith and Pippin has just hugged the flaming bowling ball. So while I wait for files to transfer to the FTP server for my client’s website I figured I’d get a blog post written. (I got it wrong we were watching Return of the King)
I’m working my way through Person of Interest this week, although I did catch up with both Scandal and Bones. Today while we had no internet connection we watched The Ellen DeGeneres Show, a documentary about extreme logging, Tinga Tinga and a single episode of Bing – Jaxon adores Bing so normally we work our way through all the episodes that iPlayer happens to have. I think like Thomas I need to find an episode list and we can work our way through all the episodes instead of just the ones that happen to be on. (Maybe that’s a spread for my BuJo)
I have been super rubbish about reading at the moment. I need to try and make more time for reading because it’s often what I need to switch off at night. I keep getting caught in that “just one more episode” addiction with Netflix lol. My current read that I started in the last week or so is Mosaic of Grace by James Prescott (You can find it on Amazon here and you can find James’s blog here). I’ve also been reading a bible study through YouVersion’s Bible App based on the Five Love Languages. I’ve been writing lots in a notebook I was given for my 30th birthday. It’s sort of become my bible notebook in the hope that I will be more focused with my bible reading as well as Christian based books.
I’ve been working my way through the “Hits from the Musicals” playlist on Spotify – I’m not so sure Jaxon appreciated me singing Defying Gravity on the way home from MK on Sunday but he was tired and eventually fell asleep so I turned down the music. I’ve also discovered why Hamilton is so catchy and popular! My Shot came up on the Musicals playlist and I couldn’t skip it (because of the limited skips on a free account) so listened to it and have left it to play each time it comes on now, and also sent the YouTube link to Our Sidekick because I thought he might like it. I’m not sure he was convinced but he appreciated the thought anyway. While not having an internet connection, we had my iTunes library playing. At one point My, My, My by Armen Van Helden came on. Definitely not my normal choice but Jaxon enjoyed it and was dancing around the living room trying not to step on wooden train track pieces.
I’ve been working on Jaxon’s rainbow blanket which is based on Attic 24’s Granny Stripe Blanket using up wool from my stash – well that was the idea. I’ve had to go out and buy the odd ball because I’ve run out in the middle of the row – or in case the ball actually went walkabout so I had to replace it. I’ve also been working on my Debut scarf. The pattern is by The Yarn Juice. I was doing fine until Monday when I realised that I had got my repeat the wrong way round and instead of looking like a forward slash – it was looking like a greater than a symbol – oh dear! I spent a chunk of Tuesday frogging it, then having done that realised that I actually had a large chunk of wool left. I set about working out whether repeating the eyelet section (Section Four of the pattern) was possible. It ended up being a bit of an algebra challenge. Maybe if I’d have known that when I was at school, algebra would have stuck a bit better.
Stressed lol. This week has been a bit complicated and I’d be glad to get it finished and get back on an even keel – here’s to next week!
Back in my bullet journal. I keep debating whether I should switch or not – especially after buying my Erin Condren towards the end of last year. I think I get so caught up in making it a certain way that I don’t get anything done. The EC is lovely but I need a bigger handbag to be able to carry it around with me! I’ve decorated some bits into the future so would like to be back in my EC but those dates but we’ll see!

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