The image above and the Currently prompts from RUKristin.
I finished Grey’s Anatomy amongst other shows so ended up starting Chuck from the very beginning on Netflix. I think I’ve just finished Season 3 – this is not good! Netflix has this way of making you watch whole seasons without even really realising it! I think I probably need therapy or something like that! I have also been catching up on NCIS.
I’ve been good at reading this last week or so. A couple of weekends ago we ended up in the library so I got a new card and got Jaxon’s library card issued as he didn’t have one. I’d been told in the past that I would need to take his birth certificate with me and I think having to carry that around with me made me a little nervous. I went into the library and they explained that as I had a library card, I would count as his proof of address or something like that so we didn’t need the proof of Jaxon’s ID. I’ve finished According to Yes by Dawn French and started Boys Don’t Knit by Tom Easton. I’m also reading B-Side by Elle Field.
My Spotify playlist again – so currently on Rend Collective but have had Philippa Hanna amongst others earlier this evening.
Lots of things. I have quite a few WIPs in progress. You can read about them here.
Right now tired! Rather than working most evenings this week. I took two evenings off to work on a crochet project and relax a little bit. Although today I feel like I’m working extra hard to catch up. Today was hard work as it was Our Sidekick’s LAC Review. I had to go with my defense ready, thankfully it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. I know Our Sidekick is currently counting down until he no longer has to have them.
I love to plan adventures. Tomorrow I’m off on a field trip with my Mum. I am then thinking of taking Jaxon on the coach to MK. I really hope that they can stow the buggy in the luggage compartment. Finding the information was a challenge, so might come up with a new plan.
The thunderstorms we’ve had. I love watching Thunderstorms. I would have liked to have had the opportunity to sit and watch them but was too busy.

Hope you’re enjoying B-Side! 🙂
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