This post was originally started using the Currently prompt from RUKristin. Have a good week!
Too much TV! I’m sure it can’t be that good for me! It’s seriously not good! Part of me keeps saying that once the weather is warmer, we’ll spend more time outside and therefore it won’t be so bad! So I finished watching Season 5 of The Good Wife just in time for Season 6 to start on More4. Glee had been added to NowTV so I worked my way through what I hadn’t seen of that (I’m down to the last twenty minutes ish of the last episode of the last season!). I’ve been watching Madam Secretary too and Season Two has just started so I’m all up to date on that one as well!
Currently… Reading
I’ve got a bit further with 11 Doctors, 11 Stories. I’m up to The Eighth Doctor now – I think he causes upset with some Whovians because he doesn’t entirely fit in the canon of the Doctors. Paul McGann played the Eighth Doctor and he’s the only film Doctor all the others only appeared on TV.
Mainly worship music – I did listen to Les Miserables on my Solo Date on Tuesday. I had On Parole/The Bishop playing fairly loud as I drove down the bypass.
Better, at the beginning of the week I was feeling a bit tense, in Tuesday I had a last minute Solo Date. It was only an hour or so out of the house but it was good not to have Jaxon glued to my side for a little while.
I bought a Lyradori at the beginning of last week. I sort of hadn’t plan to and then did. It would normally have inserts like my Midori but I’ve started using it as a sort of notebook cover for my Bullet Journal which is in a hardback Moleskine. I had an idea of how to strap it in temporarily but I need to sit down and try it to see if it works.

Wooie! Good for you for going back and watching some of the older doctors. My husband and I really need to do that. 🙂
The Paul McGann version of the Doctor was shown on the TV here as part of the anniversary episodes last year (I think or was it 2014?). The “11 Doctors, 11 Stories” is a book and each are written in the style of the Doctor that it’s representing. However it’s quite strange when what’s supposed to be William Hartnell’s doctor refers to the Internet…
I’ve gone back to the David Tennant episodes today and lots of “future” events fell into place all of a sudden.
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