This post was originally started using the Currently prompt from RUKristin. Have a good week!
It’s the last Monday in January already!! Where did this month go? Already one twelfth through the year!
I finished the Harry Potter series. There was something quite poignant while watching those last Snape scenes. I love how Maggie Smith as Professor McGonagal doesn’t take any rubbish from anyone in the Battle for Hogwarts bit. She’s like “if I’m going down then I’m going down fighting” and just kicks butt. While filming Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince she continued to film even though she was going through treatment for Breast Cancer.
Between Pretty Little Liars, The Good Wife and Call The Midwife, I’m well stocked for TV at the moment to watch, although I do spend chunks of the week watching Thomas and Friends. I’m beginning to think that it has to be my specialist subject on Mastermind!
Currently… Reading
I’ve been working on 11 Doctors, 11 Stories but it’s still in progress. I also received a couple more books from NetGalley so I need to get on with the reading and stop getting distracted reading comments on FB about Bullet Journalling and general Planner Addiction.
I’ve been sort of attempting to experiment in a way. I love music. I love all sorts. I love operatic pieces like O Mio Babbino Caro (Bambino and Babbino are not the same lol. Bambino is baby and Babbino is father – where Papa is like Dad) and O Sole Mio. My favourite has to be Nessun Dorma, it’s those last notes that whoever is singing has to hit. Although having said that for a long time I really liked The March of The Hebrew Slaves from Nabucco by Verdi. I think we sung it in choir or something like that and it just stuck with me. Anyway back to the thing I’m trialling. So I decided to try and focus on the idea that I would listen to worship music as much as I could rather than putting on whatever I fancied from the rest of the stuff I listen to.
Excited! My lovely friend Ashley of Hello Nature has announced she’s going to be a Mummy. Yay!! There’s also lots going on, on the church front which has mixed emotions tied to it but that’s all something for another day as some bits are still being sorted.
I think I might have a system of sorts coming together. I’m sticking with my bullet journal in a red Moleskine for now. I have a sort of Plan B that I might bring in soon but it’s just a pipeline idea.

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