I’m still waiting for Netflix to add some Christmas films to their collection – we’ve had Arthur Christmas twice this last week. I’ve been working my way through various Christmas films that I have been able to find or that I own. I caught up on Scorpion and realised that I’m miles behind on Pretty Little Liars and Once Upon A Time so might start on those (or might just get stuff done so that on Thursday I can watch Gilmore Girls!)
I actually picked up a book this week! Chris has been pondering about getting our bedroom decorated over Christmas so I started thinking about which books I have on my bookcase and never actually picked up to read. So I grabbed Mister Monday by Garth Nix off the book case to see why I picked it up and have started reading it. I think when I’ve finished it that one and a bundle from the shelf will be off to the charity shop. As a kid I always wanted a library like Belle in Beauty and the Beast so the idea of getting rid of books is hard but actually – Will I read them and do they bring me joy? (Oh yes I do have Marie Kondo‘s book hiding somewhere). Yes I get it the size house you would need for *that* many books would probaby be impossible on my self employed wage but a girl can dream right?
Christmas, Christmas, Christmas. You can find my Christmas Playlist here on Spotify.
Between squares for my Temperature Blanket, I’m making Baby Jesuses (At least that’s what I’ve decided the plural is!)
Better…last week I felt like I’d been hit my a truck and it had knocked the stuffing out of me. Getting motivated was really hard which means this week I’m on the back foot and it’s only Monday. Need to get organised (and need to go to bed!)
I’ve been raiding all my stickers to get my EC decorated. I found birthday themed stickers and got caught up in the moment so actually I’ve added some bits to my birthday and Jaxon’s birthdays already! I could have changed my mind by then and it could be too late but oh well! I’ve got Christmas stickers and Christmas washi decorating December too. I will try to name the shops when I post my spreads – need to keep a record as I go I think. So far this week I have Mrs Brimbles, EllieBethDesigns, The Planner Junkie, Beautiful Planning and home made ones.
The rain – okay that’s probably because I got to stay in and avoid getting wet. I’m loving getting excited about Christmas – I think I get on peoples nerves because Christmas for me starts straight after Halloween.
What have you been up to currently? Have you been watching or reading anything in particular?

I do love Christmas films, definitely my favourite time of year! I’m with you all the way on the books too, we never have enough shelf space to keep them all and I never want to get rid of any of them.
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