Currently… image from rukristin
Strictly Come Dancing (All finished now. Caroline’s contemporary routine was my favourite. Maybe SCD needs to consider including it as an actual dance like Dancing With The Stars)
Scandal (Season 2 – been chain watching. Managed about four episodes yesterday evening)
Mary Berry’s Christmas show – can’t remember the name of it off the top of my head but while Our Sidekick hasn’t been well for the last couple of days I’ve been working my way through all the Christmas cookery shows on iPlayer.
The Apprentice – Interviews and final – Chris really likes it but I’m not a fan – definitely one of those “I’m doing it because I know it makes you feel loved rather than because I like it”
Started Billy and Me by Giovanna Fletcher. Still reading it.
Christmas songs when I’ve been in the car. I put on Smooth Xmas the other day and minus When A Child is Born all the songs were depressing about being lonely. I ended up switching it off and going back to UCB so that the Christmas songs were positive and happy.
Finished the next part of the exciting project. Finished a Christmas present for Our Sidekick’s mum ready for contact (which was unfortunately cancelled as Our Sidekick was too poorly to go). Now working on a joint project with my Mum.
Working on plans for Christmas between seeing friends and family.
What to write in my new journal that came in my Secret Santa present all the way from the US.
The countdown to Jaxon’s first Christmas and the presents that are appearing at our house. Feeling very very blessed.

So fun that it’s his first Christmas! And I’ve been listening to the pop/indie Christmas song mixes on Spotify to make sure they are upbeat 😉
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