Currently… image from rukristin
The West Wing (Season 6 – I finished Season 3 as I wrote the post and somehow have made it through the rest in a week. It means I’ve got just over a season to go. Then what am I going to watch while feeding?)
Who Do You Think You Are? (A new series has started on the BBC about three weeks ago. So I have a couple of episodes to catch up on)
The Great British Bake Off
Mainly blogs again this week and song lyrics for one of the surprise bits we were doing at the wedding this weekend.
The playlist of songs I had on my phone to go with the above lyrics.
Still on Christmas presents – The counter on my phone says it’s 4 months today – right well better get on with it!
Excited about the wedding and grateful that I was part of some surprise bits.
I was a little bit disappointed that I couldn’t be involved in one bit but it later turned out that Chris and one of the bridesmaids had both been instructed that it couldn’t start until I was in my seat but my Mum knew how much I’d love it. A group of guests – mainly in the wedding party – had all been practicing One More Day from Les Miserables. Richard’s friend Simon started it, then my cousin Vicky stood up to song Eponine’s part and then my mum stood up to sing Madame Thenardier’s part. I thought my heart would explode. I was so proud of her, we often have it on in the car and split into parts. I turned to Our Sidekick and said something to the effect of “I want to join in!!!” Well when it got to the bit where all the characters are singing their parts over one another, all the people involved walked round the tables to stand behind the top table, well Our Sidekick went with them. He wasn’t singing but he’d been asked to stand behind everyone and wave a big red flag like they do on the barricade in the performance of Les Miserables. I was so excited and proud of him as I know he’d not normally be involved in performance things.
Not so much planning going on other than the crazy to do list that seems to grow and shrink every few days.
My family, as it was my brother’s wedding all the extended family were in town for it. Got to catch up with my Uncle and his wifey who we hadn’t seen since their wedding last year, their daughter Em absolutely loves Jaxon so she had lots of cuddles with him. Also caught up with my cousin and her wife. My grandparents were sat opposite us at the dinner, it was really sweet to watch my Grandma hand my Grandad her cutlery and ask him to cut up her food for her, she had a stroke a few years ago and although she gives it a go she does struggle to cut her food and so needs Grandad to help her.

Christmas presents!? I’m a terrible procrastinator when it comes to this – last year I didn’t start until the week before. This is seriously impressive my dear.
Oh I could never leave it that late! I think I’d freak out about not being organised – especially as I do all of the ones that we give apart from my own which in theory my husband buys for me lol.
So this wedding that you’re being part of the cool surprise sounds kind of AWESOME. I’ve never been to a wedding where things like that were done. Go you!
I haven’t even THOUGHT about Christmas!
WOW! that Les Mes moment sounds AMAZING. it’s so cute and funny how you refer to the sidekick as the side kick!
It was SO GOOD!!! My Mum keeps saying how she was so nervous and she was shaking all the way through it but you really couldn’t tell and my cousin did amazing as Eponine. So proud of them both! I have an MP3 of it now so am going to listen to it when I get home and relive it lol.
I wish I was that ahead on Christmas! I need to get a start on it. And that wedding sounds so fun 🙂
Two presents so far. I know people who have finished their shopping already. The wedding was a heap of fun!
Ahh!! I need to get on top of my Christmas presents!! Love making them. Have a few Halloween projects I need to finish first.
We don’t celebrate Halloween and Thanksgiving is an American holiday and there aren’t many family birthdays between now and Christmas so Christmas is next for us.
I’ve always wanted to watch The West Wing! It sounds so interesting!
It is fascinating. I think it taught me more about American politics than I knew prior to that. Then again one of my favourite films is written by Aaron Sorkin so maybe it’s his writing style…
I wish I had the time to even think about Christmas right now.
I often don’t fill like that but I write a list of all the people we need to buy presents for so that as I think of ideas while doing other things I can then scribble down the idea and come back to it.
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