Currently…28th September

Currently 14th September

This post was originally started using the Currently prompt from RUKristin. You can find that here. Have a good week!

Jaxon and I have been watching more Thomas and Friends. I think I need to find a list of all the episodes and start marking off the ones that we’ve seen so I can start looking for the ones that we’re missing because we’re getting a lot of duplicates – I’m sure Jaxon doesn’t mind but I get a bit OCD about it!
I’m still reading The Other Side of Silence, yep, still reading it. Because it’s a bit of a heavy topic sometimes I don’t want to be reading it last thing before bed. I’ve also started Wild Nights by Phoebe Smith – I say started but I have read near enough hundred pages of it already. Between reading that and watching Long Way Down/Long Way Round, I want to go an adventure somewhere. Got as far as pencilling dates in the diary for a field trip to see Hannah and Mr S, but thinking we need a further afield adventure before then. Where can we go?

Still working on my journal, that’s clearly going to be an ongoing one. I’d got as far as pulling out a bunch of pages from different magazines that my Mum had given me but hadn’t done anything with them. I cut them up and stuck in bits and pieces into another insert I had for my Midori. The one I chose to use is the official Midori Sketchbook one. I’m not going to use it as a sketchbook and don’t get on with plain pages rather than squared or lined so used it for this. There are a few more pages at the back to fill in before I get recording another YouTube video. I’ve been stepping out of my box a bit more and trying to record more videos rather than getting self conscious and hiding. Video.

I’ve been trying to be good. Saturday was so busy that following breakfast the first thing I ate was a SW Hi-Fi bar on the way to JP Books near Shaftesbury Avenue before grabbing a taxi to meet Mum at St. Pancras Station. (More info about London trip to follow!). The HiFi bar was almost inhaled I ate it that quickly! On Sunday, Chris kept me in line with regards to eating well, even when he sat next to me and munched down a Big Mac (without a bun lol!). I need to stay on the good track between now and Thursday. I want to stand on the scales with a loss!