Currently… image from rukristin
Who Do You Think You Are?
The Great British Bake Off
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit
Strictly Come Dancing
Doctor Who
The “She Reads Truth” bible study. (Epic catch up session!)
Radio mainly. At home it’s UCB UK and in the car it’s Radio 2. Heart is creeping it but that’s mainly when Chris is driving.
Christmas presents still and the WIP that I adopted. The Adopted WIP is getting there after I had some assistance from Judit.
Okay. Jaxon slept around 8 hours, 2 nights in the last week. It was good to have that extra sleep but did mean that on Friday while at my parents I dozed off in front of the TV!
Planning at the moment involves a packing list for our adventure. It’s only a couple of days but knowing what to pack for Jaxon is a real challenge.
Snuggles with Jaxon and his smiles. He’s properly got the hang of smiles now. He’s sometimes a bit unsure and won’t smile for everyone but he smiles for Chris, Our Sidekick and I.