Currently… image from rukristin
Criminal Minds (Season 6 and 7)
How I Met Your Mother (Final season – how long is the wedding already???)
The Big Bang Theory
Mainly blogs and news articles rather than books. I did restart The Reason by William Sirls.
It varies. McFly or the radio if I’m in the car.
Last week was the week of finishing or continuing projects. I finished this chicken for my little sister and carried on working on a knitting baby blanket (which I actually started back around Christmas!)
Sticky! Towards the end of last week the weather has changed. It’s nice to have the sunshine and not be stuck inside but being pregnant in this weather makes it hard work. Getting to sleep is hard as it’s muggy, staying asleep is hard cos you can’t get comfy or your bladder decides you need to get up ASAP.
Working on Chris’s “Go” bag and my hospital bag – especially after Friday I have more reason to be ready.
Crocheting, knitting and blogging. Been working through the Spark prompts by Kam at CampfireChic.