This last week has been half term so there’s been no preschool and no church groups. There’s also been a Bank Holiday in the mix too. Here’s Currently for this week…

Currently… Watching
This week I watched the Grey’s Anatomy season finale. I had read a spoiler so I knew that one of the characters was going to get the sack and I’m kind of glad to see the back of her. Like Nonnatus House in Call The Midwife, you have to get it, yes it doesn’t always work within the rules but you look after your own and you help your patients. The one who got the sack in Grey’s didn’t get it, she was too busy trying to stick to the rules and procedure.
I also discovered that Switched at Birth has finally made it onto, On Demand, so I can watch Season 5 – the challenge is remembering what happened at the end of Season 4 given how long ago I watch it! I also found a couple of interesting documentaries to work my way through in between!
Currently… Reading
This week I’ve been reading more of Angelopolis by Danielle Trussoni. I ended up reading a whole article on Wikipedia about the Black Sea because part of the story didn’t entirely make sense, following that I carried on reading. I also had Google Maps open for part of it because although the streets were named and are actual places the geography wasn’t so clear so it mentioned about being in Paris and near the River but not entirely clear.
Currently… Listening
This weekend, I had my audition to be part of the church worship band. I’ve been listening to the audition pieces lots. Although I know them, adding harmonies over the top can be really hard.
Currently… Making
I finished the baby blanket and it went in the post on Friday. Baby had beaten me and arrived at the beginning of the week but I hope it will arrive with the new Mummy in the next couple of days.
I’ve gone back to working on Jaxon’s blanket for 2/3 weeks then I’ll get back on the baby blankets again.
I also created this layout in my journalling bible. I got as far as gesso-ing a second page but haven’t managed to do any painting on that one yet.

Currently… Feeling
Disappointed where did the lovely sunshine go! It’s been raining on and off today and tomorrow is set to be really wet!
Currently… Planning
Getting everything ready for Chris’s Crazy Adventure next week – it’s going to get a bit crazy around here before it gets better!
Currently… Loving
Jaxon being more and more verbal – I swear he’s gone from not enough words to learning a new word every day!