Currently…7th November

The image below and the Currently prompts from RUKristin.


Not so many Christmas films this week. I caught up on a lot of my YouTube subscriptions as I seemed to have ended up quite behind. Also to get back in the swing of things now that the new camera tripod arrived! YAY! (which means new videos on my YouTube channel – yeah!)


I’ve been reading knitting patterns – does that count? I seem to have the best intentions of getting out a reading book and getting reading again and then it doesn’t happen! Let’s see if I can achieve it this week!


I’ve had Michael Buble on but also had Amy Grant’s Christmas album playing (in face as I write this Breath of Heaven is playing). Mum used to play the Amy Grant one when Christmas was almost here. She’d usually have it playing when she was making the Christmas puddings that would go in the freezer or pantry and then come out when it was Christmas. We’d also roll out the pastry then cut out the circles to make mince pies – it was usually my job to cut them out while Mum would line them up along the work top so they were easier to count.



I finished making Flop for Jaxon last week and casted on a new project. I was going to continue on with my Temperature Blanket, however I had ran out of one of the greens and since Beales closed their haberdashery department and I believe Coats have discontinued the specific colour, getting hold of it was proving a challenge. I managed to find it on Wool Warehouse and got some wool ordered so hopefully that will arrive in the next few days and I can get on with catching up. It’s the 7th November and I’m currently on the middle of August – not good!! Decided it would be quite cool if I could take it to church on New Year’s Day to show off to the gang who were at Catalyst and kept asking me about how it’s been going. Either that or complete enough that I can take a photo with me even if I leave the actual blanket at home.


My sore throat turned into a cold and so I spent a chunk of the week feeling sorry for myself – it did mean that I could do lots of knitting though so I guess being sick had it’s benefits in a way!


Erin Condren Hourly

Still working on those plans. I was on a certain auction website the other day and it just happened that there was an Erin Condren planner for sale near enough brand new! How very exciting! It’s dated from November 2016 to sometime in 2017 so I’m hoping it’s worth the drooling that has been going on haha!


That was bananas. The 31st October still felt quite warm and then the 1st November came and it was like someone flicked a switch – it’s been so much colder for the last week!

What have you been up to currently? Have you been watching or reading anything in particular?