I started this post sat in the kitchen of the church office waiting for the lasagne to cook yesterday. Chris is running a training/team building evening for his supervisors and I ended up cooking dinner for everyone while my Mum had the boys.
I thought ahead far enough to bring things to do but my iPad isn’t great at keeping up with blog posts not it’s running the latest release of the WordPress iPad app. Oh well I’ll stick with it and we’ll see how it goes.
So here’s the Currently post for this week…
Unbreakable: Kimmy Schmidt – It’s the first Netflix Original that I’ve actually sort of liked. OITNB wasn’t really my cup of tea and although House of Cards is that US politic drama like The West Wing, The Good Wife or Scandal I’ve really not got into it.
Grey’s Anatomy
Call The Midwife – it was the last episode this weekend and it made me cry and then shout at the TV
Gossip Girl – mixed opinions about this, I guess it’s still growing on me but I’m onto Season 2 at the moment
Fireman Sam, Thomas and Friends and Bob The Builder – these are the ones that I watch with Jaxon. Personally I find Norman annoying – why is he not punished more for the naughty things he does and who would want their kids hanging out with him? (Oh yes I think way too much into it clearly!).
If You Find This Letter by Hannah Brencher – it arrived on my Kindle this morning – HOW EXCITING!! I’d actually half forgotten that I had ordered it – oops!
At the moment, as I write this Jaxon is crying because I just put him down to sleep. I wish he wouldn’t cry so much but if I “feed him to sleep” then he wakes up when I put him down and he cries anyway. Ugh being a Mum is a tough job – some days the tough side is more than the rewarding side but we’ll get the balance the other way soon enough.
I’m working on granny squares for a blanket at the moment as well as granny squares for the yarnbombing project. I need to get a move on with the blanket because the deadline is looming and there’s a possibility that actually the deadline might move – eek!
My epic to do list. Chris and I have this plan to have a like a “whole house audit” so list every job that needs doing even if it’s a tiny thing like tidy the computer table or hide my VW Beetle and Campervan collection before Jaxon starts to play with it.
The warmer weather – okay it’s not quite tropical summers but it’s warmer and it means I don’t have to wear a coat which means one less thing to try and juggle when we’re out and about – I’m still not entirely sure if Jaxon is warm enough but I make sure he’s in at least one layer plus a jumper if not two plus the jumper. Once we’re in the car it’s often warm enough because I can turn the blowers up to about 27 degrees and then it’s roasting!
I love the Currently Post…Im also loving warn weather. So nice to wear dresses again. Woohhoo
I spoke too soon – today the temperature changed again and it’s turned cold Hopefully Spring will be here soon properly.