Day 47

Today at work me and the Big Cheese had a chat. It wasn’t too seriously and stuff but it needed to be honest. Now I try not to lie but when you’re talking about situations at work it can be hard to speak up and say something is the matter rather than just answer its fine and then keep your head down. But it was good today. I’d given a brief explanation by email on Monday and The Big Cheese wasn’t sure that he got what was wrong but once I explained in person he got it.

So that got sorted which was good. We talked about some other bits and pieces and all in all it was good. I kinda want to share more but for now it’s behind closed doors and can’t be talked about lol. All I can say is that it was positive rather than negative and I feel good for the first time in about a week and a half.

I am again loving the Daily Drop Cap so again starting this post is one of Jessica Hische’s designs. This is from Alphabet 12. Originally this post started with an S but the one S I did kinda like had a cigarette as part of the picture and so I decided to avoid that.

Earlier I hosted #watercoolermoment on Twitter – I’m hoping it went well and there seemed to be enough people talking so who knows I might be doing it again in the future. Work has been fun since Monday – two of my colleagues got new computers this week so I was setting them up and getting my colleague in the US to install the other bits that needed to be done before they could use them. There is something about getting a new toy to play with even though you only get a few minutes to play with it. Am I right? lol.

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  1. Becky says:

    Sounds like you like gadgets as much as I do! Glad you’re having a good week at work — I am too; lots of different things to do and lots of short, achievable goals. Good stuff!

    • Hannie says:

      I do! I am such a geek lol (As my two recent posts show). Getting the computers set up at work was so much fun lol.

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