Dear Blueberry,
At the weekend, there was all sorts going on. Auntie Rae had her birthday and Daddy and I went to antenatal classes also it was the baby shower. It’s kind of mine but also without you there would be no need for a baby shower.
Daddy and I headed to the hospital to go through all the bits we needed to know. For example labour sort of starts itself like 3 days before it actually fully starts, my body is going to go a little bananas and change various bits ready for the “big day”. I think Daddy was a little grossed out when he realised actually what I had to go through and a little worried that if I got upset at him during labour and told him that I hated him or something like that, whether I would actually mean it or not.
After the class we went to the supermarket and then to Grandma and Grandpa’s to get ready for the baby shower. Contact had been cancelled for Our Sidekick so he wasn’t entirely happy, in fact he was quite upset. Grandma and Grandpa had let him watch Arrow and I got him a cinnamon swirl so we managed to make him a little happier.
Around 2:30, the first guests started to arrive but back to the beginning because it wasn’t all that simple. I had sent out the invites and waited patiently for the RSVPs to come in.
A couple had special messages in them as I knew it would be a long way for some to come given the short amount of time it was for. Like“Aunty” Kewey, she lives like an hour and a half away by car and with all the extra rubbishy stuff that’s going on with her I knew that it would be a long way to come so I explained that if she couldn’t come I would understand and that if she wanted to pick between the shower and your dedication (once you arrive) then I would rather she made the effort for the dedication rather than stress unnecessarily. Well her, Dan, Andrew and Laura came up with a plan and Laura and Kewey were able to come for a little while before Laura had to go to another appointment.
Kewey has been so excited about your pending arrival – I think if she lived closer she’d be in your top 5 visitors. (It’s possible that if she was closer she’d come and visit me in hospital while in labour – especially if you decide to take a while – I might need some entertainment lol).
It was funny how some people from church knew some of my school friends and things like that. Judit, JD and a couple of others were in Grandma’s conservatory at one point sharing stories about knitting and sewing and then somehow onto stories of labour (at that point JD came to find me as she was getting a bit grossed out!!)
Grandma took some pictures during the actual shower and I’ll get them soon but for now I have pictures of the pressies. The presents in the top left came from V and B from church, they saw the onesie and decided it was needed as Daddy loves his slightly mad adventures. V had also knitted the little booties which was really lovely of her. The Very Hungry Caterpillar goodies in the top right were from my Auntie, Uncle and my cousins. Kewey and I were having a silly moment having seen these. And the blue hoodie in the bottom left came from J, A and Little Sister. Little Sister left to go to America on Saturday so her and J couldn’t come but they stopped by last week and delivered these presents. Helen and her little boy gave us the practical bits in the bottom right hand corner, because of course we will need lots of nappies and I’m sure the body lotion and other pots and potions will be very handy.
After the baby shower we all went for dinner with Auntie Rae, we ended up going to Brewer’s Fayre as it was a buffet night – which was good as I still can’t decide when I’m hungry or not. I ended up having nearly two plates full which is virtually unheard of and probably explained why I got home, climbed into bed and promptly fell asleep for almost 10 hours – how did I manage that or is my body trying to store sleep ready for when you’ve got me up in the night?
That was just Saturday!! No wonder I then spent most of Sunday nursing the cold that I had been sort of trying to ignore.
On Monday it was the family fun day in the park so I had lots of people from church and from Daddy’s work asking how I was doing and when you were due and things like that. The weather was being rubbish so by the time I got home I was glad for a warm shower and to get into my bed!
Love you Little One