Dear Blueberry,
So somewhere between you and the rest of my body something happened and on Friday you and me spent the afternoon hooked up to various monitors at the hospital. In the end everything was okay and we were despatched home again. Our Sidekick was worried that something bad had happened and met us and Daddy at the front door to make sure we were all okay.
It’s been warmer around these parts since the beginning of the weekend and so I’ve not been sleeping that great – or I’ve been curling up for a nap at funny times. After the Pentecost service on Sunday I came home and in the middle of an episode of Criminal Minds I fell asleep on the sofa which Daddy thought was really funny.
I spent Tuesday with Grandma getting the rest of my hospital bag ready. In the bag there is a dressing gown that Grandma says “is used for hospital trips”, she had it when I was born and used it when Uncle Rich was born too. I think it’s been used for other bits along the way but now I have it to take with me when I go to the hospital to have you.
It’s now about 8am on Wednesday. I woke up and went to the bathroom. When I got back Daddy’s alarm had kicked in so we’ve had the radio on (I’m waiting for him to go to work so I can go back to sleep – hurry up Daddy go to work!!!). Then again the sun is shining outside and it’s getting warmer so I’m not sure how easy it will be to go back to sleep – we might just have to hang out and not do very much for a while.
So according to the NHS website, at 37 weeks you are full term, so if I went into labour now they wouldn’t stop it (and we’d get to meet you!!!). Your room is already for you to come home, your car seat is in the boot of the car so we don’t have to find it in the rush when we realise I’m in labour, your hospital bag is all ready too – I might still change my mind on what outfits to take with me – I’m sure it won’t matter but there’s too many choices lol. Auntie Kewey is very excited to meet you too. We keep talking about when she’s going to come and meet you!!
Love you

How glad I’m that you and the little one is okay dear ❤️ Your post are so touching…take care hugs!
Hello lovely! We are doing well thank you – all been fine this week so I think it must have just been a blip. My Mum says that tomorrow it’s going to be warmer again so I need to take it easy and not over do it. (If all else fails I’ll stay in my pyjamas and the boys can take care of me!)
Awwwww, that is so precious! Had I had a PC back then, The first 6 months would have been filled with “Dear alien (didn’t decide on Evan’s name until Maybe a week into my pre-birth maternity leave) you made me sick ALL DAY again 2day! I can’t even brush my teeth without throwing up.” & “Dear Male, Had to go to the hospital for dehydration AGAIN today” The 3rd tri-mester would have been all “Dear Future 1st black president of the USA, WHY do you crave hot sauce? It gives me heartburn & WHY do you make me sooooo sick whenever I eat ANYTHING sweet? I ♥ sweets & YOU H8 them! *sob*”
I was really fortunate that I didn’t have any sickness – I had superhuman smell though which meant that some days I just had to open the fridge and was running for the loo/sink because I thought I was going to throw up! I’ve been craving sweets and cake lol. Don’t like spicy food at the best of time so I am so glad that Blueberry doesn’t make me crave spice lol. The boys had a curry the other week and the smell was just killing me.
This is nice!
Thank you for the comment Mary 🙂
Dear Blueberry, I may have just got a little happy tear in my eye reading this! AUNTY KEWEY! OH – MY – GOODNESS!!!!!!!! Dear Hannie, I want to be Okay enough to be able to visit AS SOON AS YOU ARE UP TO IT!!!!!!!!! It’s such a special time for you all and I just can not wait to huggle a you sized you and a fully ripened blueberry! Aunty Kewey huggles will be on tap!! xxxx
Of course you’re Aunty Kewey!! Then again Dan will probably say that you should be Aunty Hannah – either works! Talking about names my FIL got himself in a complete muddle about whether he was going to be Grandad, Grandpa, Gramps etc. We did make a decision so my Dad is Grandpa – I think he suits it! My FIL is Grandad I think. You are going to be welcome any time! Just let me know you’re on the way – I might hand you Blueberry and crash for a nap first but my front door is always open 🙂
Oh, I had the super smell too! I had to be careful down which aisles I walked because the scent of dog food = imminent hurlation!
Praise The Lord that you & Blue have had things go so well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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