Dear Blueberry
So since we found out that you were on your way everything has sort of counted down to this day, I guess for a little while it counted down to the 4th as that was your original due date (and could still be your birthday). Technically your “new” due date was yesterday and you didn’t show up. So now it’s 8am on Wednesday 2nd July which also happens to be Uncle Rich’s birthday.
On Thursday, KT, Cat and I went for a drink – it was a quick drink before you arrived. Both KT and Cat had words with you about arriving on time. Cat thinks it would be really good if you shared a birthday with her little one. Except you missed it!!
She even posted this message to you before bed on Monday:
Now now baby Johnson we had our little conversation the other afternoon. Tomorrow is ur due date blueberry and time for u to arrive so u and Little One can share ur birthdays. Either way I very much look forward to meeting u x
(Emphasis/edit mine)
I’ve been drinking raspberry leaf tea since Lucy gave me a box on Monday. Daddy, Our Sidekick and I went for a curry on Monday (Magna on Tavistock Street, Bedford – so friendly and such good food!!). I had Butter Chicken, Daddy had Chicken Madras and Our Sidekick had a Chicken Korma. I tried some of Daddy’s Madras and I thought my tongue was on fire. There was no way I was going to make it through more than one mouthful when just the tiny bit of sauce and rice that I had was burning me! My butter chicken was lovely and could have polished off more lol. (You can tell baby has dropped given how much I’ve eaten in the last week or so).
I’d been in bed for about an hour watching TV on my iPad and decided that I needed to get up and do something so I sat on the space hopper typing out a blog post (having realised that my charger was upstairs and my battery was running out) for about half an hour, then headed upstairs again while Daddy finished some bits on the computer.
Tuesday started really lazy. You kept fidgeting but nothing resembling contractions going on there. Hopefully you decide to get a shifty on. Much to Daddy’s amusement I sit there and poke my bump telling you to hurry up and that I’m serving you with an eviction notice!
I went for a walk to the supermarket to buy a feather duster – we’ve had more spider webs appearing recently so it was needed.
I had a few random aches and pains but nothing consistent or that painful. I ended up walking to the supermarket for a second time. It’s still not doing anything but who knows. Let’s see.
Hope to see you soon Blueberry – we’re all desperate to meet you.
Love you

Oh i loved getting scans and pictures, really exciting time congratulations #midweekbloghop
Thank you for commenting. It is really exciting, it’s making me a little fed up at the moment as I want baby to get here now but it’s still exciting to know that I’m “trusted” with this little life.
How adorable is this post!! Love it. I also love that you’ve nick named the little one “Blueberry” so sweet! Hopefully that gorgeous little bundle arrives soon, so looking forward to a birth post!!! Thanks so much for linking up with #MMWBH xx
With us not knowing whether Blueberry would be a girl or a boy it seemed more personal than it or bump lol. Then again s/he has been Blueberry since when I went to CIN in November even though only a few of us knew that Blueberry even existed!
Congratulations! so exciting waiting for the baby to come along, it is worth the wait. It’s such a pleasure being a mummy, lovely to read about the anticipation of your new arrival 🙂
Hi Caroline, I am so excited. I recently became a godmother to a little girl at church, every time I hold her I keep staring at her long eyelashes and her little fingernails – I don’t think I am going to get anything done for the next few weeks when Blueberry is tiny – I’ll be too fascinated with all those details!
Aw this is lovely! I write letters to my son, Isaac – it’s so nice to see things from a mum’s perspective too 🙂 x #MMWBH
Are they on your blog? I’ll be sure to check them out. Thanks for the comment.
Ooooh so excited for you!!!
Thank you!!! Thank you for commenting too. Have a great day.
Aww hope Blueberry doesn’t keep you waiting too much longer xx #mmwbh
I hope so too otherwise I might go mad lol. I would like him/her to get a move on but if it could be after my brother’s birthday dinner this evening that would be good. Then again my lunch consisted of about 10 grapes as I wasn’t hungry. Random as I’ve eaten nearly every meal time and had breakfast since Blueberry dropped a bit.
Aww, I know what those last days can be like, I pray you a safe, happy and quick delivery very very soon. Good luck xx
Thank you Gailann. I went to see the midwife today and in my notes it says “All good. Just waiting” it made me laugh on the way back to the car. It was like I know I’m waiting and I’m trying really trying to be patient but it’s like a kid before Christmas!!!!
yes the best Christmas ever 🙂
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