Dear Jaxon,
So normally I write to you on a Wednesday as you were born on a Wednesday. I decided this week that I would write to you after we’d taken Loz to the airport today. It was an early start but you were actually already awake so I didn’t need to get you up. In fact you woke me which was good as my alarm decided not to set properly.
It was your first trip to the airport. You and I got ourselves ready to go. K and Loz arrived at our house while Cat popped to the shop. K got your car seat into the car and put the buggy in the boot while I strapped in the chair. I sat in the back next to you in case you needed me and Loz sat next to me. There were quite a few queues on the way as it was rush hour but we got to the airport in the end.
As we walked through the airport, K kept pulling faces at you and making silly noises, you loved it and smiled every time. You had your photo taken lots of times so we could document Loz’s last few hours with us here in the UK. Hopefully one day we’ll go and visit her in Australia but not until you’re a little older.
We had breakfast in one of the restaurants, it was on one side of the terminal so we could watch the planes taking off. We saw Emirates, British Airways, Aer Lingus and Lufthansa planes take off.
I think my favourite picture is you and Loz looking at the planes.
We all had big cuddles before Loz went through the security point to the gate for her flight. We all walked back to the car and got all loaded up to go home. We didn’t really speak but we were all a little (or a LOT) sad that Loz has gone. It’s been too long since we last saw her (I was 18 when her and her family moved to Australia) and it could be too long before we see her again.
This week you’ve been attempting to sit up more. You’ve not quite got the hang of it yet, you hold yourself up for a few seconds the you’ll drop sideways or forwards. Sometimes it’s backwards so I have to keep an eye on you so you don’t hurt yourself. If you go forwards you end up with your forehead on your feet and you get stuck.
I’m taking you to be weighed officially in two weeks when you’re 5 months old. This week I stood on the bathroom scales with you and you were 7.8kg that’s about 17lbs 3oz. That means you’re about 7lbs heavier than when you were born. I haven’t checked but I think that means you’re still on the same percentile line which is good.
You keep watching Daddy and I when we eat. Apparently you did try and steal some food of Daddy’s plate the other day, we’re not supposed to start weaning yet but I’m wondering if we can give you a little taste of foods maybe some baby porridge or something like that and see how you do. I’ll have to discuss that with Daddy. I’m sure a taste wouldn’t harm would it?
When laying on the floor you’ve managed to start rolling onto your side. You sometimes start getting frustrated and I can’t work out whether it’s because you can’t get all the over onto your front or if you get half way and then can’t roll back the other way. I’m guessing it’s something that will come with practice in the end.
You’ve also started to hold your legs up in the air which is funny.
On Friday, it was Children in Need, I got you a Pudsey onesie to wear. You looked super cute. I think you might have to wear it a few more times before you grow out of it.
Love you little one
Mummy xx