At work there were all sorts of activities going on this week because it was Valentine’s Day.
This included a quiz sheet, raffle, a video competition between the teams and a Bake Off Cooking Competition. I took part in the quiz and helped a few other people when they were stuck! As the money was going to charity I bought a couple of raffle tickets – I didn’t win anything but the money is going to the NSPCC so that’s okay. I took part in the video competition by being the camera lady for our team and a bit of directing along the way lol. Our team won which was really cool. I’d love to share the video but I don’t think I can. Then there was the Bake Off, well this week I had most definitely ran out of time so I emailed my Mum for her chocolate muesli recipe. I think it was found in a magazine or recipe book somewhere along the line but it’s something that I’ve grown up with. My dad would have muesli for cereal so it was often in the house anyway then the rest of the ingredients are golden syrup, margarine and plain cooking chocolate – dead simple (and if you have excess chocolate over Easter I have used Dairy Milk or Easter Egg chocolate to make it in the past).
Following a request from a friend who had seen the below picture on Instagram here it is….(also means that next time I need it I know where to find it!)
Yummy Mummy’s Chocolate Muesli
So ingredients:
3 cups of Muesli
5oz plain chocolate (about 120g ish)
3 tablespoons Golden Syrup
2 tablespoons Margarine
I use Tesco Swiss Style in the red bag because that’s what Mum uses lol. I think you want something with oats and raisins. You can always add a handful of extra raisins or maybe something different like dried fruit for a different flavour. While in the supermarket I got a box of the gluten free muesli Chris has – I figured I’d also try a GF version while I’m off work next week.
1. Grab a tin or tray to put your chocolate muesli in. My mum uses a sponge tin that’s about the size of an A4 piece of paper and about a centimetre deep. I used a dish that was deeper than that and smaller – this mean I had thicker but smaller pieces. Line your tin either using tin foil or grease proof. I used tin foil as it was easier to cut and peel off the chocolate muesli when it was set.
2. Put your chocolate in a glass bowl over a saucepan of hot water so that the chocolate melts – you want it to go runny but not to burn. If it goes running then starts to get lumpy you’ve gone to far.
3. While it’s melting chuck in the golden syrup and the margarine, using a wooden spoon mix it and prod the bits of chocolate while they melt.
4. When the chocolate has melted throw in your muesli and stir, you want to cover all the muesli in chocolate – it’ll start to clump together which is fine but you need to mix the muesli in quickly otherwise the chocolate will cool before you’ve got it all covered.
4. When it’s all covered load your mixture into tray. Grab a metal spoon (normal dessert one is fine) and push the mixture into the corners and level it out. I usually start by pushing it towards me then spin the tray 90 degrees and work my way round making sure it’s sort of level.
5. Stick in the fridge and wait for it to set. On this occasion I left it overnight but I think you could make it in the morning and it would be ready for tea time.
This is what it looked like before I cut it up….