You can get the prompts here.
1. When I was a kid I wanted to be a teacher, a paramedic, a lawyer, a nurse, a vet when I grew up. (Yup I couldn’t never make up my mind!
2. As an adult, my dream job would be a full-time blogger, twitter and Facebook person and a Mummy.
3. When I was younger I wanted to be just like my Mum I think or my Grandmas.
4. The childhood Halloween costume that I remember most was when I was well I don’t celebrate halloween so I never had a costume to wear.
5. My favorite childhood toy was my doll I think – then maybe my Spirograph.
6. The time I got into the biggest amount of trouble when I was a kid was when I epically punched my brother because he’d wound me up and he punched me back – so I got trouble for punching him then he got in trouble for punching me.
7. I get daily inspiration from all over the place – the world around me, from the people I meet and things like that.

Everyone should celebrate Halloween! Preferably by coming on our ghost tours! And I can’t imagine you punching someone, he must have done something really bad to you.
Closest I get to ghost tours are ghost houses at theme parks lol.
I’ve never celebrated Halloween and probably will never. Prefer keeping kids out of trouble by helping run alternative Halloween Parties. 🙂
Then again I’m not that much of a fan of horror films either.
I know a lot of things anti-halloween but it’s originally a celebration of darkness as in the coming of winter & the start of a whole new cycle of seasons… it was never intended to be a celebration of the darkness as in evil things. Yes, Jesus is the light of the world and we celebrate that, but God made day AND night, summer AND winter.
And the connection with the dead – well that’s all hallows eve… the night before All Saints Day which is *shock horror* a Christian festival day… and celebrating the dead isn’t evil or macabre… it’s remembering loved ones passed and trying to hold onto wisdom they could pass on… perhaps wisdom of our ancestors is missing.
Okay, so I don’t like the commercialism of it and I don’t celebrate as I would Christmas or Easter but I don’t like the commercialism of ANY festival now, but I kinda don’t feel it’s demonic necessarily (and Han, I know you didn’t say that – but I think some Christians get a little overly concerned about the issue)
Thank you 🙂
You see I’ve never celebrated Halloween. I guess I questioned it when I was younger and maybe fought it a little but now it’s just another day for me or might have a Christian based party instead.
I know that the Pope organised All Saints Days to put the Pagans off or something like that – again not really sure on that one either.
Tomorrow I’m going to a “Round The World” Party (well actually I’m tidying up as I have to work lol)
Halloween is a mixture of Celtic / Roman and Christian traditions. As with most festivals, the early Roman church found it easier to gain acceptance by giving a Christian slant to existing festival dates (as the Romans had previously done with Celtic ones and so on back to earliest times) hence the mish-mash of Christian and earlier traditions not just in Halloween but in Christmas, Easter and the rest.
All three traditions (Celtic/Roman/Christian) started as celebrations marking the end of the harvest season and transition into winter and festivals commemorating ancestors.
Some of the modern traditions, e.g. kids going house to house trick or treating, actually derive at least partly from Christian practices, specifically when children would swap “soul cakes” for prayers for dead relatives on All Souls Day.
Essentially, Halloween is just an excuse to get dressed up in a silly costume and have a party. And, of course, for people who do ghost tours to have a very busy week!
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