When I was at school I would often end up doodling in the margins of my exercise book or on scrap paper, I think I used to end up with comments from the teacher about how I should stop doing it. Sometimes I couldn’t help it! This looks like a heap of fun – I learnt about Makala’s Sketchnotes plan when a friend of mine was at TCUK2014 conference. She hosts a monthly Hangout for people to join in. You can find more info here: Sketchnotes Hangout
The Brief History of Graphics Video Series
As if I really need another crochet project at the moment I’ve been looking at other shapes rather than just granny square based blankets. I like stars and hexagons and found these two to try. The first link is from Spud and Chloe which looks like a good site to have a proper look round. The second is from Atty’s but they were both found on Revelry which is home to lots of other patterns and ideas too.
If you’re like me, you read the Harry Potter books as they came out. Amy over Lemon and Raspberry is hosting a re-read along. If it wasn’t for the amount of Christmas I still need to sort I’d be joining in – I think it’s a great idea.
Christmas is coming and the Goose is getting fat, or so the saying goes. I’m winding Chris up because I keep singing Christmas songs and watching Christmas movies. I can’t help it I love Christmas and I’m more insufferable this year because it’s Jaxon’s first. I’ve been writing and rewriting my Christmas lists with everything from presents to crafts to do for the house. Part of Christmas present shopping is trying to support local business not just the big websites that deliver really quick to your front door. Clare works for one of the local businesses in town and she writes for their blog. Take a look.