Hello!!! So Grandma turned 70 yesterday! She’s still young! lol Tomorrow is her birthday lunch so that will be super fun! Does anyone know where I can get a 70th badge from? Me and Mum have both been on the look out and the closest we can get is 7th or 60th!!! How annoying – in a country where people are living longer I feel they are missing a niche in the market!So I went to work today – Aunty Ali asked how I was when I got there and my response was rotten. I did feel rough I was going to call in sick but I don’t know the procedure and Hazel had asked me to do some specific bits so I kinda wanted to get them sorted for her as she’s not in on Monday and Diptee is on holiday from Tuesday.Anyhoo so I went in for about 2 1/2 hours then came home where I slept through till about 4:30 pm. I woke up about 2ish when the phone rang it was a junk call from Imperial Holidays or something like that – they’ve called every day for about two weeks. I’m not really sure who I am supposed to call to make a complaint and I don’t have the money to get a diversion thing. Any ideas?I received my other Let’s Get Personal Letter which made me smile – I am off to write my answers in an email back to my partner (I would post but I have too many bits to mail in the next few days) I am going to curl up in front of the TV and watch rubbish for the rest of the evening. Tomorrow is Grandma’s Birthday lunch, Sam and Owen’s Baptism and the 24/7 Old Rock Disco – or something. I’m coming as a goth – thought it’s not going to proper goth I don’t think.