I love all those specific boxes for
I love cheesy chick flicks – they are so predictable and unrealistic but I love a good love story. This week Isn’t It Romantic was added to Netflix and it pokes fun at chick flicks a bit like Chris does so I really enjoyed it! Rebel Wilson is perfect for the role and Chris Hemsworth’s saxophone playing at the end made me laugh lol. I love the references to other chick flicks, for
I’m sure I have other knitting projects to be finishing up and not casting on another but I am loving this baby blanket (Knitted Baby Blanket in Novita Baby Merino Dream). I figure if I start now by the time another friend announces there pregnant, I’ll be through it enough to give it away maybe. (Also it will probably be knitted in something nice from my stash rather than the one listed). The one above is one that I need to get done and took with me on our adventure today so that I could carry it in my backpack – small projects always travel that bit better!)
One of the projects, I have almost finished is this Baby Kimono Cardigan. I need to add the finishing touches like the buttons and ribbon but I think I will need to take it with me and get proper matching buttons rather than using whatever I have to hand
I’ve found a couple of new channels to follow on YouTube. I’m a fan of Van Life/Tiny House/Schoolie videos and so Wild We Roam is right up my street. I also found Fight for Together too. Spent some time knitting and watching their documentary of hiking the Appalachian Trail – I think I might have shared it last week too but this week I got to watch some more of their videos and love their channel that bit more! I think a schoolie would work better for us as far as the size of it but we’d have nowhere to park it and to get a yellow school bus schoolie we’d have to import it before we could even start on fitting it out. I think I will stick with crazy “bricks and mortar” ideas for now.