It’s that time of year again. If I was insane I’d try and do #NaNoWriMo too but with a small child that’s got even less chance of happening than when I had a full time job!
So what is NaBloPoMo – it stands for National Blog Posting Month. Basically you blog everyday for the whole of November (unless you’re die hard like some of the BlogHer followers who do it multiple times in a year!).
It’s November 1st so I’m starting the month with a #betteryou update.
My October goals (and the results) are as follows:
1. Lose 5lbs towards target.
Well this didn’t happen but I am heading in the right direction. I’ve so far lost two pounds towards the goal. I’ve been out walking more which has helped I think.
2. Finish crocheting current Christmas present and start next.
I have finished crocheting the present but I need to do some sewing on it.
3. 31 days in October meet step goal on at least 10 days (10,000 steps per day).
The very tall green line on the left hand side was when I went to Blackpool with Chris at the end of September. As you can see there were only 3 days where I made it over my 10,000 steps count. I had aimed to do it over 10 times and thought it would be easy. I guess it’s easier when the weather is on your side which for some of the month it wasn’t. Where possible I have walked instead of driving. The day where there are hardly any steps around the 22nd October – I had forgotten to charge my FitBit so around lunchtime it switched itself off and I hadn’t realised so although I did go for a walk it didn’t record it. On the 30th after taking the above picture my step count was 9282 and as I write this I am on 6340 steps. Minus a trip in my Dad’s car to run an errand I didn’t leave the house as I didn’t have Jaxon’s buggy and he was full of cold.
4. 31 days in October meet water goal on at least 20 days. (2 litres per day)
Again, I didn’t manage this one. I have been drinking more water but I haven’t always remembered to record it in the app, especially when I’ve drank it during Jaxon’s night feeds. On the 31st I managed to knock it out the park and am heading towards 1.8 litres as I right this – still not over my target but it’s definitely closer than I have been some days when I’ve remembered to record every drink!
November Goals.
1. Get those 5lbs gone – it really can’t be that hard can it?
2. Complete NaBloPoMo
3. 31 days in October meet step goal on at least 10 days (10,000 steps per day).
4. 31 days in October meet water goal on at least 20 days. (2 litres per day)
5. Complete my Christmas shopping!
I’ve added 3 and 4 again because I think these are realistic goals I’ve just got to get on with them and not wimp out or make excuses.