Joining up with:
Ashley from Hello Nature, Laura from The Laura Way & Nay from Coffee-N-Ink.
So, Chris has just taken Jaxon up to bed and I’m pretty sure he might have woken Jaxon up in the process – it is a skill to get him upstairs and into the moses basket without waking him so he’s not in trouble – these things happen. I’m attempting to scribble this down at speed.
Hello there and welcome! Especially new faces – I know there are a few out there.
Things I’m Grateful For…
The weather
It’s October and minus the odd few downpours and the very cold mornings it’s actually still been quite warm – I’ve even been out and had to take my jumper off because it’s been too warm to wear it.
Being hands on and taking over so I get a little bit of a break. (I think Jaxon has settled again so I might not be needed right now!)
Our Sidekick
In the last couple of days when he’s got in from school he’s looked after Jaxon while I’ve been to the loo or pottered round the house without Jaxon getting upset that he’s been left on his own.
Time with My Dad
My Mum has been away with her bestie/client at The Knitting and Stitching Show. I see my Mum quite regularly during the week as she works at home. My Dad however works in an office so as today was his day off we organised to go out for lunch. We chatted about all sorts including trains, Welsh railways, how long it should take to climb up Snowdon as well as things like the Hazelnuts that we found under a tree on our way home. I love hanging out with my Dad but sometimes it doesn’t happen often enough.

I am grateful that a very kind person took hours walking me though something I could not understand. I am grateful that there are still kind people in the world ! 🙂
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