Hello there, it’s Thursday now. I don’t know about you but some days I can’t actually remember which day of the week it is. They sort of seem to blend together. Some days have specific things on them like Church is still on a Sunday but weekdays – no chance all a muddle!
Today we tried a new plan for homeschooling. Yesterday when we finished dinner, I wrote a list of the tasks Jaxon needed to try and get through during our “academic” time sessions. There was no guarantee he’d get through all of them and some of them looked like big tasks but actually were little ones. In the end, we managed to get through almost 4 out of 6 of them before running out of time. The others have rolled over to tomorrow. I think it definitely worked better for Jaxon to see what was planned and we could go from there. Jaxon also took to correcting my handwriting where I hadn’t done my letters quite right. Maybe I need to practice my cursive handwriting while we’re doing homeschool things.

For Create and Craft time, we baked some cakes. It was a kit that Chris had got from the supermarket and only made 6 little cupcakes so that was sort of disappointing but it worked out and gave us a cake each. (There’s currently one left on the worktop – it’ll probably be gone by the time we finish dinner later but I might be able to sneak it before someone else does…).
Jaxon played Transport Tycoon and some other games on his iPad for a little bit this afternoon while I worked and did some other bits on my laptop from the kitchen table.

I worked on updating my projects list – some of the everyday tasks have stopped now that I’m juggling homeschooling too but a lot of do still happen when possible. For instance, as I write this, the washing machine is running for the second time today and I’m about to hang the washing out for a couple of hours in the hope it might dry a bit before either being left out on the line overnight (and then drying tomorrow) or being brought inside to finish off drying in the kitchen overnight.