It’s now Wednesday and the day started with a sort of change of pace. My only trip out this week now is to see the Birth Choices Midwife to discuss how Rex/Bump will come into the world amongst other things I’m sure. Before going to the appointment I was pretty sure on a VBAC but if a C Section is needed then we’ll go with that when we get to that point. The size of my bump is being tracked closely given how big Jaxon was (he was 9lbs 14.5oz making him 4.5kg and that classed him as having a larger gestational size or something like that.
Coming out of the meeting… still pretty much on VBAC and then C Section if needed but the interesting thing was that, I might be able to have a water birth. I spent so much time in those last 5 days before Jaxon was born in the bath that the idea of being about to hang out in a birthing pool to labour sounds really good.
After the appointment, we came home and Our Sidekick was mid-strop – all I wanted to do was to get two skeins of wool from the living room but Our Sidekick had only just got up and was still getting ready for the day (it was 11am!) and got super grumpy with Chris and I. In the end he went out for the whole day – if we had to fully quarantine for 14 days, I might retreat to a tent in the back garden if that’s allowed!
I spent a few hours knitting in front of the TV then had a call about work so I’ve got another data entry/research project to be getting on with which is good.
Jaxon had craft club after school so Chris got him from school. Then we got ready to make a flying visit to Chris’s parents. I rang my Mother in Law as we were leaving to let her know we were on our way but then there was a change of plan so we came home for dinner. As we’d been ready to go out, Boris made another statement, this time closing schools. Okay so no pressure, Mummy you’re now homeschooling (of sorts) from Monday.
Having watched this video from Anna (Mrs Brimbles), I felt a bit more like I can do it. Not every day needs to be a school day, some days can be lots of school work stuff – other days can be pyjama days and we spend all day watching cartoons – swing and roundabouts. It’s not the end of the world. And actually even baking a cake can sneak in maths and literacy! (Oh and problem solving too!)

After tea, I carried on with a project for a friend who’s expecting a baby soon. This is part one of it and it’s all finished – I’m now working on the second part – just hoping I can get Chris to either deliver it to either my friend who’s packing it with her bits or he’ll go to the post office and post it for me while I’m “socially distancing”. Since Monday I had been getting muddle by what I was actually doing – self-isolating, quarantine or socially distancing. Now I knew it wasn’t quarantined because I’ve not got any symptoms and don’t know anyone with symptoms. Then I saw this tweet – so straightforward but definitely helped! Some times it just needs to be in KISS terms – Keep It Simple Stupid!
So that’s been Wednesday, definitely a bit of a slower day but glad I got out of the house even if it was just for a little bit. I think I needed it more than I thought because my mood definitely lifted after being out with Mum and then with the boys a bit later (I didn’t leave the car).
Now to cram in that data entry work into two days before Jaxon finishes school like so many other kids across the country.