My plan had been to write a daily post about what I had been up to while in lockdown/isolation. But once school had been closed, writing every day became a challenge so instead I went for a weekly update. Some will be long essays and others will verge on bullet points. But hopefully, it will make sense as some kind of “log” of what we were up to. Here’s all about my cozy days.
I had this great plan. I was going to blog every day in Lockdown and now I’ve realised it’s just not going to happen. I’m grouping it into weeks and seeing if that works better. So this is week one. You can read about the rest of week one here, here, here and here but this is the first of “weekly” posts.
Day Four finished with Jaxon coming home from school with his exercise books. Here starts our “lockdown learning” adventure at home. I was excited and terrified. I was excited because in a way it gives us a taster of homeschool life. But without the pressure of actually handing in the notice to the school and things like that. Then I was terrified, Jaxon can be strong-willed so how am I going to get through it all. On the whole, I am sure school would have just been grateful that we had attempted anything. I signed up for Twinkl and set about planning some work for Jaxon. Just in case either there wasn’t anything coming from school, or what did come was later than our plans.
Chris encouraged Jaxon and me to start the weekend by getting out the house for a walk. We headed down the woods and explored for a bit. The challenge was that people weren’t socially distancing so I was getting a little anxious. I was ready to head back home again after less than 10 minutes. At one point, Jaxon spotted this bug on my jacket. It looked a bit like a bumblebee so I left it to do his own thing.

He kept attempting to splash in the puddles so his wellies came in handy. At one point he wanted to bring home a twig that was verging on being a small tree! I convinced him that a slightly smaller one might work better lol.

In the afternoon, I got a text from my cousin, saying there was something outside the house for me. She’d delivered chocolate to us. (I think I ended up eating most of it but it was for all of us really lol). Following the government announcement, it was discussed on our Family WhatsApp about who had been upgraded. Mum and I joked that we needed chocolate to be able to get through it and my cousin delivered. Winner!

After the adventures this morning, we gave Jaxon a bath and put one of his bath bombs in the bath. It ended up this amazing orange colour – it kind of looks like he was bathing in orange squash!

Once Jaxon was in bed, I cracked open the chocolate and cast on a new knitting project. With some of the ladies from our knitting group, we’re doing a lockdown knit-a-long of sorts and trying to all work on the same project while we can’t meet up together which is really cool. It’s the Olive Pink pattern by Casapinka. (You can find it on Ravelry here but I wanted to give you a warning. I believe Casapinka is working on getting her patterns onto her own website but it’s just going to take some time, when available I’ll update the link).
This was definitely the start of things not feeling normal. Today it’s Mother’s Day and rather than going to church or a flying visit to Mum’s, we stayed home. We started the day by watching the Woodside Church service on YouTube. Jaxon gave me this Lego heart. He and Chris had been busy tinkering while I woke up.

Rather than going to see Mum in person, we took to Zoom and hung out for a little while for a chat. It was so good to see everyone and get to catch up a bit. Even with Dad’s brithday next weekend it could be some time before we properly get to spend time together in the same place rather than via video call.
That’s one week of cozy days at home complete. It could be at least 12 which takes us to the beginning of June but who knows, cozy days could extend into the Summer and maybe even into the Autumn. I guess we will see.