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I kinda hoped that this post would have good news and bad news but it doesn’t.
Last week I had my appraisal at work, it didn’t go that well and I got very worked up (to the extent that I’m pretty sure that I had a dehydration headache by 4am the following morning). I’m sure there are negative things to say about my employer but at the same time there are more than plenty positive things to say too. (I’ll leave it there for now).
I went for a nice chat at a recruitment agency on Monday and was invited to an interview on Thursday. I got a call back Thursday afternoon and it wasn’t positive. Following my appraisal and a chat with my manager it was decided that this week would be my last and I finished on Thursday.
So this is all negative and I’m doing what I can to see the silver lining. Part of that silver lining is that I get some time with Our Sidekick while he’s off school for the holiday. But it also gives me the “opportunity” to trust that God will provide, both for money while I’m unemployed to pay bills and things like that but also that he’ll provide me with a “Hannah” shaped job.
So what am I doing for now. Well I’m applying for jobs here, there and everywhere, going to make sure that I fill in all the paperwork and print of my applications to show to the Job Centre person when I go to sort out my JSA, I’m also going to write a timetable so that I’m organised and don’t get into bad habits like sleeping in until lunchtime. Add to that, that hopefully I will get some chores done I can be a housewife extraordinaire.
Where does that leave my blog – well I’m still going to write. I think in that timetable there will be writing time as well. Who knows maybe i’ll find my niche, I’ll also be crocheting and knitting so I’m taking commissions. If you have questions or would like a quote then I’d love to hear from you.

Sorry to hear that things have not been so good for your career. I sympathise of late, as I was in the same boat in January without warning. What sort of roles are you considering, and whereabouts?
I didn’t use recruitment agencies, as a former temp in years past I used to get frustrated with their promises of interviews, jobs etc only for them to be false (proved when I was put forward for a role at the Highways Agency, family member worked there and checked, there was no role). It really does depend on the type of job you want though, some will use agencies (despite the agency butchering CVs) and some will actively avoid them. Employers certainly seem to react better to direct applications – they don’t have to pay a recruiter fee, and they get details straight from you.
Do you use linkedin? (If yes, send me a link! If no, get on there!)
I found: http://www.womensagenda.com.au/career-agenda/starters/day-one-set-your-goals-now-to-get-the-career-you-want/201301081408 was quite helpful in making me really consider what I wanted to do with my career. There’s a set of tasks and guides that encourage you to formalise and plan, might help.
If I can offer you any help, proof anything etc, do let me know. I have a memory of your CV from a few years back – and although I’m not an expert, I’m still perhaps estranged enough from your career etc to view it as an employer if it helps.
Keep your chin up, this is a good moment to take a new direction. I thought I’d go back into a design agency, or take up copywriting formally – but I realised after researching and applying how my training didn’t match up enough for many of the roles, so I made plans to fill them. In being so critical I realised I was neglecting a whole set of more relevant experience for a different role entirely.
I’m acutely aware its easier to look back on it now its solved, and how I despaired in the meantime. Anything I can do, ask.
Pretty much anything right at the moment. My previous work experience points to Customer Service and Admin but I’m open to other options (well apart from Cold Calling Centres – I worked in one for about a week when I was a student for life insurance – enough was enough when my call went through to one line and it turned out the person I was asking for had passed away and his family were about to go to his funeral!).
In theory, I’m going to work my way round the industrial estate near my house next week and see if there are any jobs going. I have an application sat on the side ready to go in for a new shop opening in Bedford town centre.
I’ve got as far as opening that web page in another window – I’ll take a read of it – who knows it might inspire me 🙂
Most of my CV is copied onto my LinkedIn profile but I can send over a link/copy (it’s on DropBox so I can print it off when needed – do you use Dropbox?)
I’m going to try and get my ECDL at least to cover some of my IT Skills – this used to run at Bedford College so I’m hoping they still do it.
Thanks for the comment 🙂
Hannah, sorry to hear things didn’t work out with the job, but reading between the lines of things you’ve written I thought it was never really your thing to be honest. Good luck with finding something more to your liking, or at least something else to pay the bills in the meantime – at least if you do a temporary contract or something there is no illusion that it is your “dream job” and you can look for something permanent with impunity at the same time. Also gives you chance to take stock of things and work out what it is you want to do. Happy to advise / discuss things if that helps you. Have a lovely Easter weekend with the family for now, worry about work next week!
Hey Ian! Thank you for the comment! I have a to-do list that is growing by the minute to attempt to find that job even if it’s temporary. There is a well known DIY store opening in Bedford soon and we’re also gaining another supermarket so hopefully they will be recruiting soon (okay not necessarily ideal but paying the bills and getting somewhere is the target for now!)
Thank you Ian I might take you up on the offer 🙂 Hope you had a great Easter weekend.
Hey, I hope you manage to find something that you enjoy really soon! Who knows, it may involve taking some night classes or something like that. :]
Hey Melly! Learning is my thing I love reading just can’t make it pay the bills! Hopefully something will be there for me 🙂 I’m currently being taught Quickbooks by my Mum so that adds another string to my bow even when I get all wound up that I might get it wrong!
Oh good luck sweetie. I once lost a job at very short notice four weeks before Christmas. I was single, renting and had a maxed out credit card, but it all worked out, as it tends to, and in the middle of it my friend Katie suggested that I put on Christmas dinner for my friends, as I didn’t have spare money for gifts. I’ve hosted a Christmas party every year since and went back to work on 3 January, and have been employed full time ever since (and been promoted up four levels). I have great faith in you, and this will be the next big adventure.
Sorry to hear your news but as someone previous said it sounds like it was time to move on. One piece of advice I can give you (as I handle the recruitment at work) when filling out your application form make sure you mention everything on the person spec as most places mark the personal statement by what matches the job spec. Make sure it’s neat, don’t staple it, use paperclips, in short make sure it gets shortlisted. Your volunteering at your church will also be a big plus.
I hope something turns up soon but your plan to keep busy might provide new opportunities too.
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