I saw the Happy List on You Baby Me Mummy so I’ve adopted it. (So go read her post too and show her some love!).
Another week has gone by and another is about to start. Time for some reflection and think about what I’m grateful for and what has made me happy this week.

This Week Things that Have Made Me Happy
- Jaxon was being a bit of a munchkin when I tried to get us ready to go out to Lemon and Ginger on Monday. We missed the bus so had to wait for the next one, which then meant we were running late. We eventually arrived at L&G and found some seats. Another one of the ladies arrived and we moved a spare table over to join the rest of the group which made me happy.
- One of the ladies at knitting group is currently over here for the year from Australia. Her partner and she have been exploring lots. One of their exploration trips was to see the Flying Scotsman at the weekend. She’d taken video of the train on her phone and took the time to show Jaxon which was really sweet of her. Jaxon got very excited because the Flying Scotsman appears in the The Great Race which is loves watching.
- On Wednesday, I went along to Knit and Natter at Albero Lounge Bedford. A couple of us from Lemon and Ginger on a Monday also go to this group on Wednesday. We regularly end up talking about our stashes and current projects. This is nearly always accompanied by the fact that even when you think “I’ll use *that* from my stash” and it’s not quite the right shade of the colour your looking for. You end up buying more yarn and the bit that doesn’t get used ends up in your stash. Well, one of the ladies, arrived at the group on Wednesday with a bag of yumminess yarn-ness and said to me and my Wednesday Sidekick about sharing it out between us and we could adopt it. Well, one of my love languages is thoughtful gifts so as you can imagine I was feeling very cared for. Now what to make with the yarn?
- When we were kids, our school used to get a tea towel printed. All the kids had to draw a little self-portrait and it was then printed with their names. I could never remember drawing my own picture but apparently I did as I was always there on the tea towel. This year, Preschool have done one too. I’ve got one for us but I think it might have to be kept special rather than using it but that seems like a waste. Maybe I’ll be creative and figure something out in the end.
- This weekend Mum and I went to Nottingham Yarm Expo. It was nice to have a trip that was just us, yes it’s lovely hanging out with Jaxon but sometimes I need a mummy/daughter date lol. There’s more to come in another post. But for now, we had a great time and there are pictures and video on my Instagram here.
- Jaxon and I were at my Mum and Dad’s this afternoon and we had a funny moment. Okay, it wasn’t exactly funny but it was at the same time. Jaxon is still toilet training. This is easier some days than others. He had used all his changes of clothes and I needed to get him home. So I took off my t-shirt and put my jumper back on. He then came home in my t-shirt. Well bearing in mind that it’s a 20/22 to give plenty of breathing room on me. it completely drowned him and looked like a dress. When we got home, he wouldn’t take it off until bedtime and wouldn’t put trousers on underneath! He did look funny but it made me happy how cute and snuggled he was up in my shirt while we watched cartoons between dinner and bedtime.
- Chris is away doing the Tube Challenge with our friend Mike. At the last update, they were over half way maybe nearly three-quarters of the way but they are running about 20 minutes behind schedule due to some delays. They are hoping to make it still within the time I think.