Dear Little One,
Happy birthday my special precious. Today you turn two and it seems like the last two years have flown by. I spent the evening with a friend from our New Church yesterday and talked through your birth story – it seems strange that it happened two years ago and yet some of the memories are crystal clear like they happened this week.
From our first few days at home up to today we’ve had adventures here there and everywhere. When you were about two weeks old, it was the River Festival and the weather was crazy humid – you spent most of the weekend in your nappy and a muslin because of how warm it was.
At about six weeks old, daddy and I took you for your first theme park trip. You didn’t go on any rides and with too much going on trying to get you to feed was an adventure! Blackpool
You love going on the swings and down the slides now but you would rather run round the park when we go. (In fact when I started writing this you were running around the park. I had to keep checking where you are because you’d rather do a little of each bit than just stay on one bit of the park).
You’re a cheeky chappy with a great sense of humour. You love it when Daddy is silly and makes you laugh, yesterday evening before Daddy had to go to the Malawi Trip Residential, he was chasing you round the house like something crazy, you kept squealing and laughing. When you came upstairs with Daddy to find me, you ran into our bedroom and you pointed at me with a massive grin on your face and then squealed when you realised that Daddy was coming the stairs too. You’re very ticklish and will giggle really loud when we tickle you under your arms or on your tummy and seeing as you would happily spend all day running around in just your nappy it gives us plenty of opportunity to blow raspberries on your tummy and make you laugh really loud. You often take the opportunity to return the raspberries by blowing them on my arms.
You’ve got a heart for exploring. You love the outdoors and could spend all day in the garden and be happy although you are desperate to be allowed to play on the green opposite our house – especially when you can see the older kids playing.
When we went camping in May you loved being able to come and go from the tent (and play with the toys outside the social tent). Hopefully as you get older you’ll keep this exploring passion and will want to explore further a field like Daddy. (and I’m sure you’ll be dragging me off on the adventures too!)
You love bath time and story time. Daddy discovered a few weeks ago that you love the running tap. You love to put your hands in the stream as it runs. You love splashing too. You love your rubber ducks and the sponge in the bath – you even tried feeding me one of the rubber ducks when I was upset one day during bath time. You often grab them sponge and squeeze the water over your head as if you’re trying to wash your own hair.
You love having a story before bed. You point out all the people, animals and objects in the picture and want to know what they are all called. Your favourites are Hugless Douglas, How to Bath Your Little Dinosaur and Thomas and The Ten Balloons.
We’ve been on trains to and from London as well as getting the train back from Milton Keynes in the last few weeks. You love being able to potter around and explore the train while we head to our destination.
On one of our London trips I took you on the Emirates Airline and you absolutely loved it.
You love putting your shoes on and stomping through the puddles but it doesn’t mean that when they are muddy puddles your shoes can end up like this. We had been to the park for a play date. You and one of the other boys kept jumping in the same puddle even though both me and the other mummy told you not to.
You love sitting on our shoulders when we’re out having adventures and you still love being carried in the Boba when you have the chance. It means you can see better than in the buggy and when we were in London you loved being close and safe to me (even if I was exhausted by carrying you and the buggy!)
You are one amazing little boy who fills my heart with so much joy. I love that in the morning you come into our room and give me a big squishy cuddle before we get ourselves organised for the day.
I hope you enjoy your birthday plans this weekend. With Daddy and Our Sidekick being away for this weekend you’re heading towards three birthday celebrations. Today we have a picnic planned with Grandma,Grandpa and Uncle Rich as well as time in the park but it’s all dependant on the weather.
Love you beautiful boy. Happy Birthday.
Love you Mummy xx

This is a really lovely post Hannah, thank you for sharing it. Jaxon has changed very little since the day he was born. He’s a lovely boy and a real credit to you xxx
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