Well January has almost been and gone. I’ve just stood in Rogan’s Books telling Rachael about how I feel like I’ve not been very productive. Maybe I just need to get on with catching up.
I say not being productive but I think that’s more work stuff rather than other stuff.
Watching TV…

Having watched Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, I was on a bit of a crazy organisation run. I took bags to the charity shop, then bits to the dump. I did a run to the bottle bank and felt even more accomplished. (Then got contacted by CNN Entertainment. Did you see that bit? Read here)
I finished Jaxon’s jumper. Well almost it still needs the buttons but I’m doubting myself which ones to use. I might take my button tub to mum’s and get her to pick for me then again maybe I ask Jaxon – he’ll probably pick a crazy combination but if he likes it then that’s fine. (Once I do some catching up, maybe I can update my Ravelry too)

I’ve been working on a couple of other projects so I’m hoping I can share them soon.

Blog Posts
I’ve also been attempting to get some blog posts written too. Not always as easy but we’ll get there in the end I’m sure. Maybe I need to go on an adventure one day while Jaxon’s at school. Maybe something like interesting things to see around Bedford based on the bus routes! This week I was called the “Bus Genie” because I was able to give my friend the bus routes she needed to get from her house to an appointment. Can you tell I use the buses nearly everyday?
Which happens to be exactly where I’m writing now. I’m heading to the supermarket to get some bits for dinner as requested by Chris then home for work before the school pick up. This morning I had a lovely catch up with my friend from church (actually I think we were school friends before church friends) then I went birthday present shopping.