Well Hello there. Once again plans were made and plans failed but we get back up and try again right??
It’s October first. Between two friends visiting from the UK (not specifically to see us but we were a happy sort of by product lol) and then being on team at church the weekend got swallowed up very quickly but it’s a new month and it’s October! How did September disappear quite so quickly?

On the bus, metro, train or just in front of the TV I’ve been knitting lots. I’ve now got 3 pairs of socks on the go. One pair is a test knit (I’m on sock 1…), second is hopefully a gift if they will fit the recipient otherwise the recipient does have permission to frog the lot and knit some socks that will work for her lol. Third is my attempt at toe up socks (Toe Beans from Louise Tilbrook – Ravelry/Louise’s Website). Oh and a fourth which is the second sock of a test knit for Hanna at Germander Cottage Crafts. That pattern is called Flock Socks and can be found here.
I’ve also been back at Danish classes. I switched from DU3 to DU2 which definitely has helped but I’m now on the other extreme with a very light work load between classes so I’m working my way through a book I picked up at a loppemarked (flea market). It’s called Japonisme by Erin Niimi Longhurst. It’s a lifestyle book about Japan. You can read an interview with her here. I haven’t got much past the introduction as it’s taking me a while but it’s definitely easier than maybe it was when I actually got the book a few months back! I do actually need to read the article I was set for homework before tomorrow’s class… better make it happen quickly!
J(9) and I started Doctor Who yesterday afternoon. We went back to Eccleston’s first episode. We finished the first two episodes then J wanted to watch something else so I started my way through Torchwood again.
Anyway, tomorrow I’ll be back with my goals for October. Things like finishing projects and starting Christmas prep. It’s coming!
Are you working on plans for Christmas? Are you making any of of your gifts?