I started this post the other day. I keep starting it and then going away and then coming back to it and changing it all. Yesterday I went to my 32 week appointment and all was good. I was chatting to people at church on Sunday and I seem to get mixed reactions, some have been really excited for me and others have questioned just why I’ve taken leave so early.
There seems a lot still to be done around the house ready for Blueberry’s arrival at the beginning of July (well if s/he decides to show up on time!) and I know that babies show up when they are ready, but when my Mum had me I was early, my brother was early too but not as early as me and I think when my Grandma had my Mum she was early too. My Dad and Chris have been working like troopers. On Bank Holiday Monday my Dad arrived at about 10am and they started working on getting the walls and ceiling painted. I despatched myself to run some errands but also to go and get another roller and some other brushes. I kept them fed with cups of tea/coffee/diet cola and set about making lunch when needed. I did bits around the rest of the house while they did what they needed to – I’d have only slowed them down and the nursery isn’t really big enough for three and a half of us lol. I worked on a crochet project that I’ve been meaning to finish for a friend of mine. Another friend dropped off some yarn for me to help her with a project she’s attempting to complete – the deadline she had been aiming for got moved closer and so asked for my help. (It’s now Thursday and I’m about a third through what I need to do for her. Once I’ve finished this post I’m going to try and get it closer to a half completed).
This week I’ve pottered round the house and worked my way through different chores. Chris was a bit worried that I’d either park in front of the TV and not move (or not move enough) between now and baby arriving or that I’d get a bit down in the dumps like this time last year when I left my old job for my sort of new job. Before I finished work, I wrote a massive to do list (well 30 items – I guess that’s not quite massive!) so that I had some idea where to start as far as the things that needed to be done around the house. Some of them can’t be completed until other ones are but we’re getting there.