So from my last post I then went to rinse out the dye and put through the conditioner stuff Now I’m sat here with the towel round my head waiting for The Kiwi and my brother to arrive so that we can carry on watching A Town Called Eureka.
Doh! So that was actually about two hours ago and now it’s 11pm on Sunday night. I sorted my hair and now it’s drying I took some more pictures which will all be uploaded to my Flickr photostream.
I’m kinda glad I did it today rather than have my grey hairs show up in my photos next Thursday from the shoot thingy with My Mum.
So I was writing about what I had been upto.
This morning I had church. As much as it was a normal service because the young people were away the church seemed really empty – I guess alot of people were on holiday as well. I spend alot of the worship time hanging out with one of the lads. We were looking through his book called Mini Maks. It’s a bit like Where’s Wally but it’s in polish and all the cartoons were bible stories. So I learnt that Arko Noego is Noah’s Ark, Samuel in Polish is Samuela and the most interesting (or at least I thought it was) is Księga Wyjścia which is “Book of Exodus”. (Deuteronomy is Księgi Powtórzonego Prawa which seems like a massive mouthful lol) Okay so learning to speak Polish is a whole different thing to being able to read a few phrases from a kids book – but I guess it’s a start right lol. I can start reading the bible in Polish as well as English, French and Italian.
Anyhoo we had fun and some of them were really hard. I popped out of the service quickly to drop some bits next door for the Connect Group Picnic. The Murf spoke today and his preach was really interesting – he managed to fit Supernatural, Lost, Lord of The Rings, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and Doctor Who into the same preach. I guess thats his way.
I went to the picnic but because Lambkin was poorly we ended up hanging out at Caz’s house which was kinda cool anyway. I sat in the living room with Lambkin and some of the other kids and we watched Home Alone before lunch – It came out in 1990 that means I was 4 when it came out! How crazy is that lol. Then after lunch me and Lanbkin sat in the living room watching Home Alone 2. I didn’t watch all of it as I decided to come home and hang out here. (I have a bit of a sore throat and in general I wasn’t feeling totally great.)
I started watching Twilight and tidied up round the house as there was a maybe about having guests this evening. I then went to collect That Boy from church after they got back from the residential.
We came home for tea and I watched the rest of Twilight – I spend half the film explaining to That Boy who Victoria, James and Laurent were and way they were chasing Bella and Edward. (I didn’t mind it was nice that he took an interest in something I was doing but I kinda wanted to through the Twilight book at him so that he could catch up lol.)
Around 8ish That Boy decided to head to bed and I ended up going to do my hair – I think doing it in the mirror rather than over the bath works a bit better but it still goes everywhere (as you can see from the pictures). The Kiwi and The Stig arrived around 9ish and we watched two more episodes of Eureka – I am loving that show! (Yay apparently Season 3 comes out in the US in a few weeks which is exciting lol)
Anyhoo bed time now – night night one and all.

That sounds like it might’ve been the best service EVER!!
If you can sit still long enough you should grab the podcast from the site and have a listen 😀 I can go through and find the references if you like lol.
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