There are a few blogs that I go and read but haven’t made it to my RSS yet (mainly because I need to clear it out a bit first lol)
One of these is Life in Technicolour by Becca. She tagged me for this post – similar to my one last week (or maybe the week before lol)
Here are my 8 questions:
1. If you were a geometric shape what would you like to be?
Oh I don’t know lol. Probably something complicated like a hexagon or a pentagon – then again maybe a dodecagon.
2. What is your favorite animal and why?
Erm I like Marmoset Monkeys and Dolphins lol. Probably not that original lol.
3. What song on the radio right now is currently at the top of your guilty pleasure list?
Erm this morning they played Walking in Memphis by Marc Cohn and Bang A Gong (Get It On) by T-Rex on my way to work – these are two songs that my Dad used to play me loads when I was younger.
4. If you were lost in the forest alone and a bear came up to you, what would you do?
Curl up in a ball and play dead – does that work? then again if a bear was in the woods near my house then I’d climb a tree and wait for someone to rescue me lol.
5. In your opinion, what is the most annoying show on tv?
Big Brother – thank goodness we are on the last season!
6. What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
Calamari was pretty weird – it was like rubber bands lol. But other than that I think that is weird right?
7. What are your thoughts on 2012?
Well in 2012, the Olympics will come to London which is like the only time that it might happen in my life span. My Mum is going to be 50 and she’d really like tickets to an event at the Olympics (and I’d really like to go to if I can lol)
8. What’s the craziest excuse you’ve came up with to skip work for a day?
I skived work once, I said I had a headache. Other than that I’ve never skived work.
Apparently I should post 8 questions too:
- What is your favourite item of clothing in your wardobe?
- What is your favourite film?
- Do you wear nail varnish and whats your favourite colour?
- Where’s the best place you’ve been on holiday?
- If you could go anywhere (in the universe) where would you go?
- If you could reccomend me a blog, which would it be?
- What did you do today?
- If we could hang out for one day what would we do?

Love this!
1.What is your favourite item of clothing in your wardobe? – just one? I can get it down to 5, it’s the best I can do. Today, it’s my newish cropped M&S summer jeans (cost they are light in weight but dark in colour)
2.What is your favourite film? Just one, I can get it down to two: Goodfellows and Terminator 2
3.Do you wear nail varnish and whats your favourite colour? No, don’t like it on me. Do buff, polish and shine tho
4.Where’s the best place you’ve been on holiday? New York/Italy/Rockies
5.If you could go anywhere (in the universe) where would you go? San Francisco (again)
6.If you could reccomend me a blog, which would it be? I always recommend yours! I’m getting into this one cos of writing tips
7.What did you do today? Work, get photo taken for US Visa (need to get police certificate to prove innocence) been to Chiropodist. More work, watch match now (with some admin prepfready to train school leavers next week) then bank to get my photo signed and then get waxed. Gosh that was busy!
8.If we could hang out for one day what would we do? I’d make u pancakes at home, followed by coffee at fave place, maybe big gallery/museum, then lunch, walk round Brum then cinema!
Wow! Thank you for your answers!
1 and 2: I am like that – I can’t get stuff down to a single favourite – it’s just a Top 5 lol. I’ve not seen Goodfellas and I think I saw Terminator 2 with my brother.
4 and 5. Not made it to any of those but they are all on my list of places I want to go
6. Fab I will be sure to take a look 😀
7. Sounds like a busy day! (Or is that a normal day?)
8. Sounds like an awesome day!
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