Unfortunately I am about half way through my Christmas shopping and so I think two items are bought the rest are handmade though.
My Mums and Dads were the bought presents, my Dad-In-Law, Mum-in-law and Sister-in-law’s are all handmade. I am still yet to get my brothers and Chris’s.
So I pledge to buy handmade presents for my Brother and my Husband.
My brother Richard is 19, he still lives at home and due to the fact that he has a full time job he tends to spend his money on DVD’s and Computer games. He’s going to be the hardest to sort. Any suggestions? I thought about a Beanie hat but I can’t knit very well and crochet is a little beyond me – I still haven’t got the hang of it. (He doesn’t normal dress like this – this was about a week or so befor me and Chris got married Mum wanted him to try on his suit and he wouldn’t be nice about it – He really didn’t want to wear it at all!) Might look on Etsy for this one!
This is Chris my husband – ok so he doesn’t normally pose like this for photos. (I prefer the one he had taken in Edinburgh – he was pulling faces and pretending the English were invading or something like that). He is like my brother loves computers – mainly things like webpages and writing them from scratch – so it’s a brain ache to get him presents. He likes technology but then again he doesnt because of how quick it goes out of date. (Currently I am kicking myself repeatedly you see the iPhone comes out on Friday – if I had waited i think 4 months rather than getting my contract in June I could have got it this weekend and got a new iPod and phone in one but I didn’t and now I feel like a dipstick!)

It’s difficult making handmade gifts for guys…I’m going to make sweets e.g. fudge and Turkish Delight. I’m on holiday week after next, so gonna have a trial run at a few. Wish me luck!
Oh…how about making a mix CD? That might be a nice pressy too.
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