Over on Facebook I’m part of a blogging group. On the Wednesdays of each month we have a group prompt that we’re all going to answer. This weeks’ prompt is…
If I Were President…
Well first of all it would be Prime Minister here in the UK rather than President.
Hannah might tell me off but I would (attempt to) reform education. In my opinion, I’m pretty sure that longer days, longer terms and/or more exams and testing isn’t going to improve the education system. I think the overhaul needs to come from the teachers rather than government. The current Minister for Education is Nicky Morgan, she attended a private High a School followed by Oxford and qualified as a Solicitor. The guy before her went to state schools and then went to an independent school, after which he went to Oxford too and then qualified as a journalist. Neither seem to have roots in education and yet clearly someone thinks they are the people for the job…
Each to their own I guess. I’d get a minister who had a background in education or had an idea of what they were on about. Maybe it would need a “back to the floor” sort of process.
We are blessed here in the UK to have the NHS but unfortunately it’s running into the red. The government keep coming up with suggestions and ideas about getting more doctors into General Practice or changing the way hospital works like bringing in Primary Trusts. They want to make it so that rather than running on a basic/skeleton staff in some departments they would run at full capacity – but if it’s anything like when we were in hospital this time last year when Jaxon arrived, even on a day when they were supposed to be fully staffed they weren’t and were struggling to deal with all the mums and babies who were on the ward. Anyway, the NHS needs an overhaul in someway – is there a right way? Who knows.
If you were president/prime minster for the day what would you do?

Good one! I did something similar a couple of weeks ago – If I Ruled the World. One of mine was to ban napkins placed under food.
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