So on Monday we’re off to Soul Surviour, that is me, Mr J, Mrs Mow Mow and our youth group – well mainly the boys if our youth group.
(Can’t wait for hug a Steward on Thursday or Friday. It’s just so much fun!!)
My current problem that needs a solution is that I have enough clothing to last me while I am away but I don’t actually have any smart clothes for work the following Monday (I get back on the Saturday – I’m going to shower load the machine and sleep – I dot think there will be much sleep on our camp lol) so I need to speak to my Mum very nicely and see if I can borrow her machie and washing line to get some clothes clean for that week or at least the first few days of the week.
I am also in need of a haircut I tried to call the hairdressers on the chance that the lady had space but she wouldn’t answer the phone and the machine wouldn’t kick in. Mum said I could have her appoinment which is fine but my hair isn’t desperate. It’s not been cut since lie February what’s another few weeks.
In need of bed so I wish you a good night. Adieu adieu lol.
(the picture is my piles of clothes as I packed yesterday before bed.