You can listen on Anchor, Spotify and Apple Podcasts (to follow soon). (If you’d rather access it somewhere else let me know and I’ll see what I can do)
On The Needles – Works in Progress or Things I’ve Recently Finished
0:00 Introduction
0:25 Let’s Start Episode 1…
2:13 On The Needles (things that I’ve recently finished or are in progress)
There should be pictures of all of these in progress over on Instagram here.
- Winter Peaks Hat by Tea, Cake and Make (Etsy Link)
- Coziest Autumn Beanie by The Chesapeake Needle (Ravelry Link – if you’re unable to use Ravelry, Lindsay says contact her and she’ll sort something out for you)
- Two Christmas presents – the links will follow after Christmas when they can be shared. (I think one is already on my Ravelry Page)
- Stormy Open Back Jumper by Handknits and Hygge
- Shawlography by WestKnits (Intro Video here)
(Not sure it was talked about but these are the other projects I have on the go) - Candy Cane Socks (using the pattern to a degree but they are shorties instead and also not stripy!)
- Novice Slipover from Petite Knit
The Nine Projects of 2022 (14:10)
There’s a post here.
Here are the first 9 projects I have planned for 2022, when it comes to knitting and crochet. Knowing me I’ll get tempted by other things along the line so this is bound to change or get postponed.
- Rainbow Blanket from The Pigeon’s Nest.
- Yuletide Crochet Blanket from Attic24.
- Special Stripy Blanket – Beach Huts by Hand Knitted Things (I purchased the pattern from Wool Warehouse).
- Shawlography by Westknits.
- Granny Go Round (Adult Size) by Iron Lamb.
- Granny Go Round (Child Size) by Iron Lamb.
- Temperature Blanket – this picture is from Wyldflower Crochet (Thanks Search Engine! How pretty is it!)
- Mystery! (The pattern that I talk about is here – this was my yellow flag bunting I made for my cargo bike during Tour Du France/Copenhagen)
- Socks – I have at least one pair of socks still stashed away that I need to finish. I’ve had it out recently and I’m thinking that I might need to come up with a plan B because I’m not sure I have enough yarn in the particular colourway for two socks. Also, I need to use my Advent Yarn Calendar created by my friend Liz so maybe another pair of socks is on the cards…
Prospects or Things I’d Like to Complete
- Starflanket by WestKnits
- Twists and Turns MKAL 2022 by WestKnits
Things I’ve Been Watching/Listening To…
- KnitmoreGirls Podcast (Apple, Spotify)
- Trent and Allie
- Kara and Nate
- Flying The Nest
- Kutovaikika (Wedding Dress video here)
Carol at The Raise Podcast
Duncan at The Useful and Kind Podcast