Here are the first 9 projects I have planned for 2022, when it comes to knitting and crochet. Knowing me I’ll get tempted by other things along the line so this is bound to change or get postponed.
- Rainbow Blanket from The Pigeon’s Nest. I was part of the test “knit” for this one so I have already made one before. I started this one between Christmas and New Year while I debated what to do about a different project I’ve just finished. I’m on the second repeat of the rainbow so churning through it. Just need to stop long enough to sew my ends in as trying to crochet them in as I went was getting messy.
2. Yuletide Crochet Blanket from Attic24. My Christmas present from my Mum and Dad was the yarn pack and pattern for this blanket. I’m excited to get into it but Mum said I had to finish some outstanding projects first (no objections here! I know I need to get it sorted out lol).
3. Special Stripy Blanket – Beach Huts by Hand Knitted Things (I purchased the pattern from Wool Warehouse). I bought this yarn and pattern with a voucher last year and brought the project with me to Copenhagen because I knew I had all the yarn for it and wouldn’t need to get extra (in theory!). It’s been stuffed in a project bag being ignored for a little while.
4. Shawlography by Westknits. Like so many other knitters I started this during the MKAL last year but I got waylaid with other projects and it took got put to one side. I want to pick this up again ASAP and get it finished – there’s a variety of sections to do so it’ll probably end up getting put to one side again after a week or so lol.
5 and 6. Granny Go Round by Iron Lamb. I saw this pattern last year and many a time wanted to start it. I’ve got it on here twice as I’d like to do one for me and then one for one of the boys (probably Rex as Jaxon would more than likely tell me he didn’t like it).
7. Temperature Blanket – this picture is from Wyldflower Crochet (Thanks Search Engine! How pretty is it!) but I’m not set on what pattern I’m going to follow. I did a Temperature Blanket a few years ago and it ended up being massive so I need to do some more planning as to what pattern I follow and what colours I use (maybe Hobbii as I can still access that if we’re back in the UK before I finish). I want to do one for both boys going from their birth to their first birthday.

8. Mystery! I’ve got a plan up my sleeve and I’m hoping it’ll work… I’m hoping to publish my own pattern – that isn’t granny square instructions! I just need to sit down and properly write down my experiment and then make sure it actually works!
9. Socks – I have at least one pair of socks still stashed away that I need to finish. I’ve had it out recently and I’m thinking that I might need to come up with a plan B because I’m not sure I have enough yarn in the particular colourway for two socks. Also, I need to use my Advent Yarn Calendar created by my friend Liz so maybe another pair of socks is on the cards…
What projects are you planning in 2022? Have you got a list of knitting or crochet projects to complete?