Dear Blueberry,
I keep meaning to start some kind of journal where I write to you about what’s going on but at the same time I’m trying to tidy our room (that is mine and Daddy’s) to make sure there is room for you too so going out and buying a new journal isn’t in the plan and I’d probably get distracted and write to do lists or shopping lists – as you grow up you’ll realise that I run on lists, Daddy doesn’t – well at least when it comes to food shopping he doesn’t!
Anyway so today you are 18 weeks in a bump. I snapped the above picture on Monday while I was out shopping with your Grandma (my mum). In three weeks ish we have our next scan so we get to see your photo again – have to make sure I get a copy for Grandma and Grandpa (my mum and Dad) and Grandma and Grandad (Daddy’s Mum and Dad). So these names could change, but I’m pretty sure that my Dad is going to be Grandpa – I think he suits it!!).
And….on Sunday you had like your third cinema trip, you me and JellySlug went to see Frozen. It does mean that I’ve been singing Disney songs on and off for the last three days. I’m hoping you love them as much as me otherwise there might be trouble!! (Just kidding!!)
I had the hiccups earlier and I’m sure it probably felt like an earthquake or something to you – I was asked if you’d had the hiccups but seeing as I’ve not probably felt you move yet it would be interesting to feel hiccups that weren’t mine for once! I think you had your first sort of fidget last night but I couldn’t tell if I was imagining it or if it was my intestines being funky instead of you. I’m sure give it a week or a few and you’ll be kicking me in the ribs and I will most certainly know that you are definitely there!
I’m writing this sat next to Daddy – he’s on a mission to write up some stuff for work. Our Sidekick thinks he has a cold so he packed himself off to bed pretty early. Connect Group looked after him while we were at church for the Parenting Course. I imagine that you’ll get to know Connect Group pretty well as you grow up.
Anyway what else can I tell you about this week. Supposedly it’s going to snow but I’m not sure when – I’m excited for the first time it snows after you’re born, I’m guessing if it’s around your first Christmas you might be a little young to understand it but I think by the following Christmas you’ll either be excited like me when it snows or you’ll dislike the cold like Our Sidekick. I guess we will see when it happens.
Anyway I am going back to crochet your blanket I’ve start square 3.
Good night and God Bless Little Blueberry.

“Dear Blueberry”!! Love this!
Thank you 🙂 as Chris wants the surprise we came up with a nickname so that baby wasn’t just baby or bump or something sort of not descriptive. About 3/4 weeks ish is when baby was the size of a blueberry, now they are the size of a mango!
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